Shaggy x reader (Girl's side) Chapter 8: Mistakes happen

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(Y/N) POV:

After telling us she had found a clue, Velma led us to the Security Surveillance room. While the rest of us stand behind her, Velma sits down in the wheel chair, going through all of the footage that was taken by the security cameras.

"After you watch this, I think you'll all be saying "jinkies"," says Velma.

About a moment later, the screen shows a lot of people running from a tent. "Hey, the security camera caught the attack," Daphne says, most likely saying what we were all just thinking.

"Yep. And they caught something else, too," Velma says with a smile. She pushes some buttons and the image on the screen changes, showing the Lake Monster looking for something as it stands near the beach. Then someone wearing a cloak, holding a staff, walks up to the creature. "Looks like we have two pranksters on our hands."

"Jinkies" we all say, amazed by the evidence Velma has found.

"Told ya," Velma says, smiling.

"Freeze it," Fred quickly says. The spot Fred told Velma to freeze not only showed the Lake Monster jumping into the lake, but it also showed the cloaked figure facing the camera, barely. "If you zoom in right here, we can see who's inside that cloak."

Velma pushes a few buttons to zoom in the screen onto that cloaked figure, making it look blurry. To fix itself, the image enhances, getting rid of all of the blur.

"Oh, look, it's coming into focus," says Shaggy.

However, before we could even see who's face it is, something short-circuited, causing everything to break. Sparks of electricity starts to fly, making all of us jump. Thankfully, no one got hurt, as smoke started to rise.

"What happened?" Fred asks.

"I have no idea," I say, using my hand to shoo the smoke away from my face.

"Like, that spooky figure must be using some sort of magic to prevent us from seeing its face," says Shaggy.

"I'm afraid the explanation is slightly less supernatural that that, Shaggy," Velma says, making all of us wonder what she means. "I accidentally knocked over my green tea and shot-circuited the hard drive."

"That's okay, Velma. Accidents happen," I say, trying to cheer up Velma.

Daphne nods her head in agreement. "Yeah. You know, I'm sure we'll find another piece of critical evidence. Right guys?"

"Yeah, for sure," says Fred.

"Yeah. It's groovy," says Shaggy.

We all try to cheer Velma up, but from the looks of it, she still feels bad. "I know this is highly uncharacteristic behavior. I'm really sorry guys," she turns around, her back facing us. Obviously, this must be really getting to her badly. "I'll tender my resignation from the group if you wish."

"What?" we all ask.

Velma starts to walk away, but we all chase after her. It's understandable that she would feel bad about this, especially when she's never once been clumsy. But...Velma's our friend, who's been with all of us throughout all our mystery adventures. As much as I'm still broken up that Shaggy has feeling for Velma, that doesn't mean I should take it out on her, let alone hate her. She's still my friend, after all. If she leaves, it wouldn't be the same without her.

"Like, hold on, V," Shaggy calls out. By the time we all catch up, Velma stops in her tracks, and looks up at Shaggy. "Don't beat yourself up about this. You just pulled a Shaggy, that's all. I do it all the time."

Seeing this, I try to hold back my tears, as I see Shaggy doing his best in cheering up Velma. I mean, whenever he tried to cheer me up in the past, it's only because he saw me as a friend, instead of something else. Because of that, I can't help but think of how unfair it is that Velma has his attention.

If only he'd do something like that for me, like what he's doing for Velma......

"Thanks, Shaggy, but there's really no excuse," Velma says, giving Shaggy a small smile, still feeling guilty for being clumsy. "Maybe reading a little Sylvia Plath will buoy my spirits."

Velma then walks away, leaving Shaggy to stand there.

"Hey, I...I still think you're wonderful," Shaggy says, even though Velma is out of ear shot to hear him.

Hearing him say that did the job. He's never once told me if he thinks I'm wonderful or not. For once, just once, I wish Shaggy would stop and think for a moment to see what he was doing to me, the fact that I like him, and that seeing him have feelings for Velma is causing me so much pain right now. And it's because of that, that I can't take it anymore. The pain is just too much to handle.

While no one is looking, I walk away from the gang, trying not to cry until I finally reach my room. As soon as I close my door, I rush to my bed and cry in my pillows, no longer able to contain my emotions any longer. (F/A/N) and Scooby were concerned about me when they saw me come in all of a sudden.

But seeing my tears made them decide not to push it. Instead, they try to comfort me as best as they could as I continued to cry that day. Later, Daphne came, and seeing my sorry state, she said nothing, her expression showing that she feels sorry for me. Like (F/A/N) and Scooby, she tried her best to cheer me up, giving me time to calm down.

Maybe it just wasn't meant to be, after all.

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