scenario: yoongi & seungwan (1)

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yoongi's heartbeat races with time, his woman is about to commit suicide.

and of course, there is no way he would let that happen, especially in this damn burning weather. because this is the time when people should be bathed in the sunlight, not a puddle of blood.

most importantly, the one to complete her life must be him, not a fucking open window.

anxiety pressures him to get there not driving during rush hour, his legs just keep stepping forward automatically. it feels like the man's feet could set fire to the ground, due the friction caused between his quick pace and concrete street.

how ironic, even his speed is way higher than yoongi himself.

- son seungwan you freaking stupid woman, don't you dare get injured before i arrive!

the man runs out of oxygen, never had he imagined one day this lazy body would have to move so many muscles like now. yet that won't be a burden or obstacle to him, at this instant it is seungwan's breath that is holding the priority above anything else.

she is, indeed, the only one that matters.

the destination is reached, from entrance yoongi can see her bedroom's window wide open, but everything below is barely witnessed as they are all covered by trees and bushes. a wave of dark thoughts just suddenly come into his mind, thrusting through his stone heart. is she still alive, or is she already dead? the man doesn't know, and he has no intention to either.

- oh good afternoon, sir yoongi! how are you doing—

- SAY, where the hell is seungwan??!!!

- l-little miss? s-she's in her room—

not letting the greeting to be finished, yoongi throws himself like a bullet to the mentioned location. he bangs her bedroom's door, but impatience triggers him the urge to fucking break it before getting any response.

yoongi gets in, just to capture a moment of his woman climbing on the windowsill about to do something foolish.

she jumps, right in front of his bare eyes.



the violent thud of body crash echoes inside his head like a bitter lullaby, leading the man to an entire state of numb. yoongi just stands there, malfunctioning. the blenched skin now has turned even paler. both pupils and irises dissolve their raven shade into each other, as if dark hole has swallowed his consciousness, along with all images about her.

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