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After Pidge ran out of the room, it took me just a few more seconds to completely process everything that just happened.

But when I moved to go to the door, the back of my jacket was pulled back so I stopped. "Lance, I think it's best to give her time to think to herself and calm down." Shiro's voice.

How could he still act so calm like that? Like absolutely nothing just happened? I feel like my hearts shattered into a milliom pieces again.

My chest hurts.

We find out that, this entire time, Keiths been alive and he's been right under our noses.


Pidge knew too. She knew before all of us. And yet she kept it a secret from us. I thought be all became family. Voltron has been my family for so many years. And as much as I want to remember my family on Earth, I'd feel so pained just to see their faces in my mind because I know that I might not even make it out alive.

Besides, to my family on Earth... I'm already dead.

These people were all I had left. I couldn't handle the pain when Keith left. But I don't know why I want to stab myself over and over again for gettinv mad at Pidge. Guilt? Maybe I'm still mad. But how could I not be? She could have told us Keith was alive. And she, along with Keith and Rasmus, convinced me that I was dreaming and delusional! They convinced me that Keith wasn't right there when he was!

It just broke my heart and I didn't know how to feel.

I don't know how to feel right now.

So I just smiled.

"Well, I guess we have to focus on something else. The more important matter. Are we going to form an alliance with Lotor and Keith, or not?"

Once again, the room was brought to an eerie and tense silence.

Allura took a step forward. "Okay everyone, I know we all want to listen to our hearts at this moment. We all want to see and speak with Keith now that we know he's alive. But lets think about this logically, okay? Lotor could easily be tricking us into coming to him. But I didn't want to believe that.

Maybe I'm just being biased because I really wanted to see Keith again. And not him pretending to be someone he's not. I want to see the real Keith. Not Yorak, not Yurio, but Keith.

I... want Keith.

"We need to go." Oh. I acted without thinking. All eyes were on me once again. Shiro was first to speak up this time instead of Allura. He put a hand on my shoulder. "Lance, we all want to, but you have to think like Allura said. Lotor could be using this as an oportunity to trick us. What uf Keith is really in trouble? What if Lotor was forcing him into that situation? We know Lotor, he's manipulative, and he'll do anything to get what he wants."

And my body took over me this time. I smacked Shiro's hand away from me.

"Isn't that more of a reason to go and get Keith! But more than that, I know that Lotor cares for Keith, its just so... so obvious. He's obsessed with keeping him to protect him, he pampers Keith and gives him all of his love. It's why Keith chose him, and not us... not me."

Not me...

But I love Keith. And I need to do this. If Lotor is beside him, then so be it. I'm going to tell Keith what I've always wanted to tell him. I'm goimg to tell him that I love him, that I need him. And that I can't live without him. That I'd happily die for him. Only him.

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