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What made me stop in my tracks were the quiet shuffling sounds and the almost silent grunts. The hallways have been dead silent as I made my was around holding two people who were flat out dead weight at the moment. Through the silence, the sounds of two people were close. Only, when I looked around, there was nobody.

It was only when it stopped that I went completely still. The people... felt so close. There was the sound of metal on metal right above me. I looked up to find the vent door open.

Then I moved out of the way. Acxa flipped down gracefully, and landed in a crouch beside me silently. Shiro was next to drop down, his shoes making a quiet thud sound. He took Allura from me and held her in his arms while Acxa ran her hand through Rasmus' hair. "He's dead, isn't he?" Axca didn't need to say more or say less, and even if her statement was emotionless as always, her eyes said it all.

She silently mourned the loss of our friend. To the two of us? A brother.

She took Rasmus from me and gently put him over her own shoulder. "Keith, we need to find a room, now. A secure one." Acca turned serious again. Right, we needed to focus on other things now.

I nodded. "Okay, follow me." Moments later and we ended up in a private bathroom. Shiro looked at me. "Keith, how is this a secure place?"

"Um, well, it has a lock, there are no cameras or mircophones, or any devices in here because it's a bathroom, and nobody goes to the bathroom during an ongoing battle." He seemed to be debating to himself in his head before nodding once. "You make a fair point. But anyways, we've been betrayed Keith. And judging by how you seem, you obviously don't know what's going on."

The two set down the ones they were carrying then took seats on the ground, leaning against the wall. I sat down with them and looked between the two. Shiro and Acxa glanced between each other as if they were waiting for the other to speak first.

Shiro was the one who broke the silence. "Lotor used the alliance to betray us, Keith. After we signed, all permissions of the Castle of Lions was given to Lotor... he turned our weapons against us and we're locked out of the castle and from our lions."

Acxa looked down to the ground. "Rasmus probably found out. That's why he's dead." I have never before seen Acxa look so upset in my life.

No way that's what happened. Actually, no, I refuse to believe something like that. Lotor wouldn't do such a thing so cruel, so like his father. He would never...

But did he?

"Where are the others? Lance? Pidge? Hunk?" This time it was Shiro who looked away. "We came to find you hoping you'd still be with them. Right after we finished with the contract, Lotor, Allura and I went back to the control room and he started ordering the attacks. He used our ship to attack his own because Voltron was inside. Lotors gone insane, Keith. And I'm sorry that we have to be the ones to break the news to you, but you have to believe us."

Acxa grabbed my shoulders and forced me to look at her instead of Shiro. "Yorak, he is correct. We need to find your friends and get them to their lions. Lotor has called about every single Galra fleet throughout the entire universe to come here, and they are all shooting this ship. We have to get down to the planet below us, now, or we will die with the others in the ship."

The three of us stood. Acxa picked Allura up while Shiro took Rasmus this time. "We can't just leave everyone on this ship though! What if they're injured? Or trapped? What if they're about to die!" I turned awsy and opened the door.

I was stopped when the back or my uniform was grabbed. Shiro held on to me tightly, then Acxa grabbed my upper arm. "I'm not speaking to you as my friend, not even my brother, but I'm speaking to you, the queen, as your bodyguard. We are leaving and I am protecting you with my life." She pulled me out, still keeping a firm grip on me.

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