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"No. No, no, no, no, no! Its been too long! I can't deal with the fact that he's still somewhere out there and we're wandering aimlessly in space! We need to go find him! Why the quiznak is it taking so long!"

I kept punching the walls of the castle. "Lance, enough! Your raging has gone on for too long, you need to stop!" Allura shouted at me.

I turned to glare at everyone.

"No! I'm not giving up on Keith! He was clearly not right in the mind! He thinks he's saving us! But I'd rather die than live without Keith! I can't live knowing that he is living with that monster, I can't live knowing he is going to marry that monster! I-I can't live without him." My voice came out in broken shouts, and my voice was cracking.

Its been three weeks since Lotor took Keith. I haven't been the same since. I was always walking around the castle because of stress, I was always in the training room trying to remember how Keith and I would always have fun in here, I would scream into my pillow for hours at night and hardly got any sleep, and I would cry when we did anything without Keith, or if something reminded me of Keith.

I just haven't haven't been the same.

Shiro stepped up, but I couldn't control myself. I swung my fist towards him. How could they just do that? How could they give up so easily on our friend? Our friend for years. Our family. We couldn't abandon him. If they did, then I wouldn't abandon him.

Keith... the day we found him, he just had that look in his eyes. He was so confused, and in so much pain, and he wasn't sure what to do. But when we took him, he was scared. And just looking at him, it reminded me of my old self and it scared me to see such a fierce creature look so vulnerable and broken. And at that moment, all I wanted to do was embrace him, tell him he had nothing to worry about, tell him he'd be safe, and nobody could ever hurt him anymore.

And of course, over time, we all got attached to him. And we all became friends, soon enough, we became a family.

We all knew it. So... how could they just turn their backs on him! How could they turn away so easily? How could they just accept it? The fact that he was gone so quickly? So easily?

I knocked Shiro over and tackled him, trying to land punches on him. He just blocked each and every one of them, ge took the punches and didn't fight back. Why is he not fighting! Why aren't you going against me!

But then I stopped after realizing it. Its because Shiro lost Keith too. They were like brothers.

Pidge grabbed my arms and shoved me off of Shiro. I tried fighting her off of me, but stopped when a body hit mine.

It was warm, and arms were around me. And I couldn't move. It was like Keith was here and holding me

I stopped moving. This wasn't Keith though, because like everyone else, I knew the difference between wishes and reality.

The two of us were completely still. Hunk was hugging me tightly.

"Lance, Keith made his choice. He wouldn't have done it if he didn't think it was right. He did it because he wanted to protect us. Because he knows it as much as we do, that we're family. Lance, we'll get Keith back, but we just have to wait a little more. I promise."

I wrapped my arms around Hunk and hugged him back even tighter. Tears were falling from my face uncontrollably. I slumped forward and onto Hunk.

"Thank you..." I let my tears fall from my face. I wouldn't hold back. All the anger and sadness left me at Hunks words. Now, all I wanted to do was get Keith back, and we would, I would, no matter how long it takes. It will all be worth the wait.

I stood up straightly again and wiped my face. I forced myself to grin at them all, I needed them to know I would be alright. Maybe I could fool them all and maybe even myself?

"We'll get Keith back, Lance. Believe me, Keith was like a brother to me, I'd do anything for all of you, but, Keith made his choice, and I believe that wherevee he is right now, he's stopping the Galra's dominance over the galaxy." Pidge nodded.

"Allura is right." She pulled up a hologram of some of some parts of the galaxy. Ever since Keith went with Lotor, hostage situations decreased, the Galra have stopped taking over planets, everythings just gone down..."

All of this makes me wonder how much exactly Keith is helping Voltron even from far away like this. And I know he's helping as much as he can, but how much is he struggling, being alone with that monster, Lotor. How is Keith coping. Has he given me one thought since leaving?

"Please don't leave me Lance. Promise me. Please."

I stopped in my tracks, I stopped pacing around. He wouldn't leave me, Keith wouldn't leave me. He never would. We were together and he did this for us, he did it for the whole team. Thats why, he did it to save the universe.

I smiled a little. That was so Keith like. Always going on and making his own decisions, always fighting back, nevee backing down, always going on and sacrificing himself without thinking. He was too fearless and too selfless for his own good. It wasn't fair. Why him? Why my Keith of all people? Of all the Galra? Why him?

"I promise. I won't ever let you go. I'll... I'll always be by your side."

"I'll be by your side, Keith. Til the very end."

Thats what I told him. I told him I would never leave him, and I promised that I'd always be there for him. So he had to do the same to me. Thats just how it worked.

God, Keith, only you could make me this emotional. You aren't even here beside me and I'm like this. Just thinking about you is driving me insane.

I miss you Keith. I miss my friend, my boyfriend, my half Galra friend, I missed your touches, and your voice and laughter, I missed the way you looked at me and the way you smiled to all of our family. I missed every single part of you.

Keith, I love you. Please don't ever leave me.

I can't deal with the pain of losing you.

Please stay with me.


Actually, idk if it is. Im tired and theres always so much hw.
RiP me

Anyways, here is my chapter to my amazing Voltron Fam!

I know this chapter is uneventful like the last. But, I super promise that the next chapter is when the next step begins in their crazy life!

Also, if you ended up reading this to the end, I will tell you guys this.

But I am already making a second book to this one. Its because I have a lot of planned out chapters for this book, so I ended up making another one, lol.

Also, Wattpad has been pissing me off the past week. I can't make any other chapter for this book because every time I make chapter 12, it moves down on top of my chapter 7 draft.


Oh well. Stay in school!


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