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"-dins." Someone was speaking through the ear piece!

"H-hello! Who's there? Lance? Pidge?"

"You... there..... Pidge!"

There was more static. The more I shouted through the device, the more hopeless I started to feel. I let my body fall back down to the ground.

I was hopeless.

Allura sat beside me and rest her hands on my shoulders. "Keith, everything will be fine. We just need to find the others." I shrugged her hands off of me.

"That's just it, Allura!" I brought my shouting down to a whisper again. "We've been running and hiding on and off for hours, Allura. The fact that we've only been able to hear some of the others over the device means that we keep coming in range with them just barely. Lotor probably has more than half of the entire fleet down on this planet. He's looking for all of us. And he probably wants all of you guys dead."

Tears started to fall from my face. I didn't even realize it til now. "And Shiro and Acxa might not even be alive anymore."

I pulled the earpiece out then handed it to Allura.

"This is yours anyway. I'll get a communicator next time we run into a smaller group of soldiers." We stood again from our hiding spot behind a few rocks.

And the first thing I hear is the whirring of a gun. A gun that was about to be shot.

I shoved Allura out of the way and jumped up when the blast hit my upper left arm. "Ouch..." I wiped away all tears from my face, erasing any trace that I had even cried. Then I turned to find a large group of soldiers and a few commanders looking at me.

"Allura, run! Now!" I watched her go the other way. A few soldiers tried to run after her, but I was quick to get in the way and hold my blade up.

Some commanders seemed a little irratated. "My queen, we've been given orders to bring you back to the Emperor. He awaits you." Then another spoke. "Please don't make this hard for us, Empress Yorak.

The poor guys. They honestly only wanted to do their jobs.

"Sorry, but if you want me..." I grinned up at all of them then quickly turned and burst into a sprint. "You'll have to catch me!"


"Lance! Are you alright! I heard shouting!" Why wasn't he answering? Why wasn't he answering?

Come on, Lance.

I stopped to catch my breath, climbing up a few branches and watching as the Galra soldiers stopped right under me. After letting out a deep breath, I jumped down and attacked the soldier directly below me. Then the next, then the one after. It seemed continuous, but I was able to manage.

After I finished, another voice was online. "Lance is alright, Pidge. We're here together now. And... is that you nearby?"

I saw the pink and blue paladin armor only a small distance from where I was. So I started running.

And even if it took a minute, it only felt like I ran for seconds. Because I was in the arms of Lance and Allura. Two of my friends, a part if my family.

"Allura, where did you come from?"

"Keith and I were together. He told me Shiro and Acxa saved us but nothing else. We don't-" Her breath hitched as she sucked in a breath. "We don't know if they made it out."

Oh, so they didn't know. They thought Shiro was dead. I pat her shoulder. "Shiro's alive, Allura. According to my device, which is tracking all the ear pieces, Shiro isn't far from us. Hunk and Coran also have theirs and are the farthest from us, but closer to Shiro and Lotors ex generals." She seemed so relieved when I said that.

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