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"Rasmus, go down the left tunnel. Use this to our advantage, understand? We take down as many of these rebels and blow this ship to pieces!" He nodded and the two of us split up. He went down the left while I went down the right. There were tons of Galra rebels running around aimlessly, some shooting at me after finally noticing.

It was all such a pain. These rebels are good because of surprising the Empire, using sneak attacks on us. And they only ever did sneak attacks and the most random things because they they had an awful strategy. They had no absolute control and weren't at all organized.

Once at the end of the hall, I looked back and grinned. Bodies were scattered all over the ground, none moving whatsoever. That was way too easy.

I continued to make my way around the right side of the ship, killing as many of the rebels as possible, until I stopped at the control room. I entered and threw my blade at the single soldier in there. I grabbed my blade and held it over all the controls, plunging it down and into the machine. Rasmus ran into the room minutes later and did the same.

"We good?" He nodded, still panting hard. He took out a bomb that he most likely stole from a fallen rebel and set it. "Two minutes." He motioned for me to follow him, so that's exactly what I did. And we ran as fast as we could through the ship, looking for the hangar of pods and ships.

When we did find it though, it was already blown to bits. The earpiece I was wearing made a noise for a brief second before a voice could be heard. "This is Shiro, the paladin of the black lion of Voltron, we're coming to get you two. Standby." Then his voice was off.

Voltron was here. That's all I could think of, those were my only thoughts. Rasmus gave me a pity look, but I brushed it off.

"Twenty seconds."

Then a lion appeared, it was the green lion. The mouth opened and the two of us ran in, making our way to the controls where Pidge was waiting. She left in a hurry, she probably knew we set a bomb. After Voltron was reformed again, we all worm-holed away.

The flight back to the castle was silent. I couldn't let them find out it was me, I would do whatever it takes.

When we landed, everyone stepped out of their lions. Rasmus and I were prepared for this of course. Not for this case specifically, but we've been captured before, and when we didn't want others to know our identities, that's when our acting came to place.

We were all standing in the lions hangar now.

I looked at everyone. It's been six years. Everyone was around the age of twenty one, they've all matured in appearances of course. I definitely have in six years. My voice was also a little deeper and I no longer had a mullet, but messy short hair, and I've also grown in muscles and my strength and fighting skills are at their highest.

I lowered my head. This was part of the acting, so nobody would recognize me. Rasmus played master while I played servant. I spoke when spoken to, I only talked openly with Rasmus in private, playing servant was so much easier to do.

"Thank you, paladins, for saving us. We don't know what we would have happened had you not shown up." He turned to Allura and bowed down. I followed after him and bowed.

"It's also an honor to meet the Princess Allura, and of course all the members of Voltron." We both straightened again. "My name is Rasmus." He motioned to me. "And this is my servant, Yurio." I felt the heat rise to my face. Did he seriously give me that name? Yurio... it was a cat name, he gave me a cat name. He is so dead later.

"Nice to meet you guys. I'm Shiro, this is Hunk, Pidge, Lance, as you know, there's Allura, and this is Coran." Rasmus was smiling to them all.

"Both of you are wounded, follow us, we'll fix you guys up." Pidge piped up happily and began walking away. Pidge now had longer hair, it was the same, but only slightly longer, she also grew half a foot, I'm so proud of her.

Hunk also got a little taller and definitely gained muscles, the way he walked too, he seemed more confident and it seemed the fearful part o him vanished.

Then there was Shiro, he was the same as ever, doesn't even look like he aged at all, and I liked that part about him.

Coran was also the same as ever, and Allura seemed to mature in features too. Her body was more curved and her hair was half the length it originally was, but it was still flawless as usual.

Everyone changed somehow, and I was amazed by all of them, how adult like we all were.

My eyes were brought over to the last paladin, Lance. Lance was a little taller than he already was, and I actually felt too proud proud to say that I was only five inches shorter than the probably six foot Lance. His body was definitely more lean, and he had a skinny waist and for some reason, he had a more charming aura to him.

I couldn't help but smirk just looking at him. I don't know what made me do it, but the timing was awful. He was glancing my direction when I smirked at him. He stared at me for a while, I stared back. Then a cocky look replaced his confused expression.

"So, Yurio, right? You're pretty cute." Rasmus chuckled from beside me, clearly trying to hold back laughter, I tried not to glare at him, but then remembered Lance and couldn't help but blush at that. He was so straightforward when he said that. "Aww, lance, look, you're making the poor baby uncomfortable!" Pidge was between us in an instant and pushing Lance away from me, patting my back.

"I'm so sorry you have to be in the presence of this idiot. He likes to flirt around and is gay for any cute guys." Lance shouted a 'hey' at her, making me smile. "It's fine, thank you Pidge." She nodded and took my hand, pulling me up to the front. We turned the corner and entered the room with healing pods. Only, instead of entering a healing pod, they all sat Rasmus and I down on a bench.

"Please, attend to my master first, he was tortured while we were on board the ship." Pidge nodded then moved to Rasmus. She made Rasmus remove his armor and take off his shirt. She wrapped his chest area with bandages. Then I remembered my own body and began to remove my own armor. I completely forgot that I was bleeding out!

I began struggling to remove everything because now the blood loss was really catching up to me! I fell down to my knees. Hunk and Lance were beside me in an instant. "Oh gosh, guys, he's bleeding out and fast." Hunk said quickly, making Lance hand him a roll of bandages and a bunch of disinfecting liquids.

Lance pulled off my shirt for me and I saw him with a mouth open. "Wow, for a servant, he's pretty ripped. Look at all those abs! And all the muscles too! I take back what I said about him being cute, he's definitely hot." Lance came to his own self conclusion and I couldn't help but let out a dry laugh.

"I'll take that as a compliment."

I fell forward and into Lances arms. I fought to stay awake, it wasn't working. I couldn't let them find out anything about me, I refused for that to happen, I wouldn't let that happen.

Them finding out can cause a big trouble for both me and the Empire. They'd probably want me to rejoin Voltron, and I can't. I have my place in the Empire, I can't leave Lotor to run the Empire alone. I can't join Voltron, that can't happen.

And I'd make sure Rasmus makes sure to never let me.

I closed my eyes and let sleep come over me.

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