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"You did the right thing, love." Lotor hugged me from behind. I pushed him away and walked away from him, making my way down the halls of the Galra mother ship. As I passed, guards and soldiers were caught off guard for a few seconds before bowing their heads down and letting me pass.

Lotor followed me all the way to our shared room. Once inside, with the door locked, I turned to face him and was about to start my shouting and ranting, but he pushed me backwards roughly! I stumbled back and hit the foot of the large bed. I fell backwards and let out a grunt when my back hit the bed.

I scrambled away from Lotor to get up and only succeeded in crawling a few inches away from him before he grabbed my arms and pulled them behind my back. I stopped moving and let out a long, frusturated sigh.

I couldn't move with him holding me down, and my nevk was beginning to hurt from trying to look up at him with my stomach on the bed.

"I want answers first. You ran from the Empire, the Galra. You ran from Zarkon, my father, your mentor. And you ran from me." His voice cracked slightly like he was on the verge of crying and all I wanted was to make him let go of me, and I wanted to get away from him, and get away from thia nightmare. And I hoped I would wake up and be in my room in my bes with Lotor, where none of the past few years happened, then I wouldn't be in so much pain in such a long dream.

I wanted to wake up.

"Why did you run?" I startes to squirm around. "Because I wanted to." He frowned and pulled my arms together even further so I couldn't move even more. I heard a click and gkance behind me. "You handcuffed me." I stated. He grabbed my tail and yanked me backwards, so I sat on his lap.

I let out a loud groan. "Your tail is still as sensitive as ever..." Lotor muttered to himself. He had his arms around my stomach. I leaned back in defeat.

"I want answers, Yorak." I couldn't help but relax into the embrace despite me being handcuffed. I missed his voice, it wasn't like how he was when we were in battle, he wasn't cocky or arrogant, or so full of himself. When he isn't putting up a front, he's kind and gentle, but even so, he's still cunning and will do almost everything in the name of the Galra.

"I didn't want to rule over the Galra. Lotor, I wasn't ready for that respinsibility. We were still young, and I know you've trained for all of that being true royalty, but I was different. I wasn't trained to be as fancy and respevtable as you were. I only had the title of someone close to Zarkon. And me being someone so young and being able to be a general of the Empire, I was looked down upon."

And it was true. It was all true.

"Lotor, I loved you, but I didn't want that path. And what the Galra was doing? Destroying planets and whole people? I know you never wanted that and its what your father wanted, but still. As a Galra, thats what we're supposed to do, and I don't want to live up to that. I don't want to be seen as the monster."

I felt tears stream down my face quickly.

"Never have I cried in front of anyone since I was born..."

I stopped crying fir a second. I said that to Lance.

"Only you can see me in this wretched state Lance McClain. You're the only one....."

I bit down on my tongue at this. I told Lance all of this. And here I was, crying in the arms of Lotor.

"Please don't leave me Lance. Promise me. Please."

And here I was, the person leaving him behind.

"I promise. I won't ever let you go. I'll... I'll always be by your side."

And being with Lotor again, it makes me wonder...

"I'll be by your side, Keith. Til the very end."

Just who do my loyalties lie to?



The Galra Empire?

To Voltron?

I'm just so confused now. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't even know what I'm doing with my life at this point.

The decision I made. Leaving Voltron. That possibly could have led to the end of Voltron. By becoming the queen of the Empire, I could either be saving or destroying the universe. I'm guessing the latter.

Lotor remained quiet, so I did the same. And that led to a long few silent minutes.

I felt Lotors head on top of mine. He unlocked my cuffs and lay down, bringing me down with him. I opened my mouth to speak, but instead, he just put a finger over my mouth and hugged me to his body.

"Before we do anything, I'd like to just embrace you for some time. I'd like to be in a peaceful moment before work begins and everything turns into discord once again..." He let out a sigh of content. I turned my body to face him, looking up into his violet eyes.

"Let me just sleep with my love before we have to do anything." He smiled down at me and brought my head ro his chest. I curled my body up into a comfortable position and let him fall asleep holding me.

Lotor slept quickly, and he seemed at ease. I knew he had a hard time sleeping, he was just like me, ww both couldn't sleep unless we were by someone. So I knew Lotor hardly slept ever since I left.

I wrapped my arms around Lotor. I don't hate him, but I don't know if I still love him. Do I love Lance? Was Lance just a mere crush? Just a substitute for Lotor? Was he just there to make me feel less lonely? Were my feelings of love for Lance even genuine?

I felt tears prick at my eyes again amd buried my face into Lotors chest.

Lance, Shiro, Pidge, Hunk, Allura, Coran. They all becamw my friends and they took me in, they became my family.

How could I just go up and abandon them like that?

It was because I wanted to ssve them. Its because Lotor said he'd kill them if I didn't go with him. They don't kmow if he was bluffing or not, but I knew Lotor. And he would not hesitate to kill all of Voltron, he would have killed them right on the spot. All I could do was go with him to save my family. So thats what I did.

Thats all I had to do. All I had to do was remind mysepl that everything was happening so my friends and family wouldn't die.

I did this all for a reason, remember that.

I sighed. So as lomg as I was here, I'd try to relax as much as possible and bring myself to love Lotor again. Its the only way this would all work out. If I was willing to cooperate with Lotor, help my Empire, and help my felliw Galra. Its the only way rhis would all work out in the end.

I just has to believe it.

I had to have faith.

In my future.

In everyones.

This was fate.


This book has officially reached 400 views, which is why I am posting this chapter at school.

This chapter was pretty uneventful, the next chapter kind of is too, but the next chapters are totally worth it, I promise!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter my amazing Voltron Fam!

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