Flashback to what really happened between Astrid and Ruff xD

''Second step, you act all sexy once you get to talk a little'' Ruffnut said, swaying her hips when she said sexy. I rolled my eyes. I'm never going to do that. I'd end looking like an idiot.

''I'm not doing that!" I said. I expected her to say like 'no you'll do it' but her reply kind of made me confuse

''How about we play? I will dare you and if you can't do it with in 1 hour, you will kiss Hiccup for 7 days and I will continue this for the rest of the school hours''

''And I succeeded on doing it?'' I smirked. Which she grinned in response and leaned in so we were face to face.

''I will stop this and never tease you or bother you again with your relationship with Hiccup and I will stop fangirling about you and do what you want for the rest of the day'' I wont lose this one.. For a fangirl I know its hard not to fangirl about their OTP so stopping fangirling would make her life like hell. I leaned in to my seat ''Dare away''

She snickered, and her next word made my whole world fall apart ''Kiss...'' She said, I gulped ''Your...'' You can do this Astrid ''Back''.

''Kiss my back,Kiss my back?!"

She nodded.. I gritted my teeth and she grinned. ''Can't do it?"

''No! Its more like, Its impossible! No one has ever did that! Have you?!" I said throwing my arms in exasperation ''Dare something else.''

She shrugged, ''Kiss your butt then"

''Kiss my but?? Ruffnut can you hear yourself?!''

She nodded. ''I can hear myself just fine. Now go do it!" She grinned

''I can't...'' I mumbled.. Looking down to my foot like it was the most fascinating thing in the world that time

''You what?" I hear her say though I know she still had this annoying smirk on her face

''I can't.'' I said clearly.

''Let's continue then!" I looked up and she winked. ''Heads up and listen to your sense" 7 days of kissing Hiccup....

''Third step, You look at his eyes and wink''

''No way! That would ruin my reputation'' I complained

''Astrid! It's just flirting. I'm taking it easy on you cause I know you don't even know how to kiss''

''I do know how to kiss.'' I said, ''Thank you for having soo much confidence in me'' I said every word dripping with sarcasm. Great now who am I Hank Jr.? He's sarcasm is really rubbing on me

''Really? Prove it.'' She challenged. I huffed

''And how am I going to do that? I can't just go tap a strangers shoulder then ask them to kiss me.''

''Don't worry, they're going to say yes anyway. Why don't you try kissing Snotlout?" She suggested

''Ruffnut!" I glared at her which she laughed in response ''I would rather die and get eaten by ants than to kiss that disgusting lips of his. If you make me choose between kissing you or Snotlout. I'd definitely kiss you''

Her eyes lit up ''That's it!'' She cheered. ''Astrid, your a genius!" She started walking towards me and stopped in front of me or more like beside me.

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