Everyone watched as the 2 walked out talking not even realizing they where there, as if they where in their own world.

🖤🔥🥀With Peter🥀🔥🖤

Peter sat on the rooftop tears running down his face. What was he going to do now? He just lost his father figure, his second family, in a snap.

He still had May, Ned, and MJ, which he was grateful for but he still couldn't believe it.

He took a deep breath, wiped his tears and stood up. He doesn't need Tony Stark to live a nice happy life, he doesn't need the Avengers; he doesn't need any of them. All he needs, are his friends and May.

He walked to the ladder and thought on what he could do.

He could get a job to help may, of course their never tight on money, but it's always nice to have a little extra cash. But he would need to get a job that didn't mind if he needed to rush out real quick. Highly doubt he could find one like that. He sighed, he'll have to think about it later.

🥀🖤🥀Later on at dinner🖤🥀🖤

"I never knew you could cook." May said. Peter shrugged.

"It just came naturally to me, I don't know, might be because I hear the timer when it goes off." Peter said smirking as May laughed hitting his arm lightly.

"But anyways what happened with the internship Happy brought all your things over." May asked worried. Peter just shrugged.

"Mr. Stark found a better person, I don't really care to be honest with you. Their happy, I'm happy, it doesn't really affect me. I just don't know how I'm going to get a job with as you say it, 'Thwip-Thwip.'" He said chuckling as May laughed harder.

"I have a friend who wouldn't mind. She owns a technology store a block from here. I'll take you tomorrow." May said after regaining her breath.

"Wait really?" Peter asked excitedly.

"Of course. Remember Linda? Her." May said.

Just then that tiktok came to mind, of about how Linda's aren't born into the world, but are summoned by mom's at their books clubs while drinking wine. He started laughing as May gave him a confused look.

"Tik-Tok." He barely got out before laughing again. It took May a second to understand but she did, and she started laughing alongside him.

🥀🔥🖤A While later🥀🖤🔥

And that's how it went for a while. He'd go out as Spiderman at 6-7 am, get home take the subway, go to school, talk to Ned and MJ, go back home, finish homework, go to work for a bit, go out as Spidey till 11, then go home and sleep.

If he has nightmare he'll go out swinging for a bit to get his mind off things.

Or at least that's how things went for a few months till some alien monsters attacked earth.

"Peter." He turned to his Aunt and gave her a tight hug.

"Come back alive hon."

"I will, love you Aunt May."

"I love you too Peter."

With that Peter swung off, to central park where the Alien monsters where attacking.

They only ever said I love you's in case something bad was happening and they didn't know if the other would live.

BUT back to the bigger problem. The weird thing, was that Joshua was standing in the middle of the monsters barking orders at them while the Avenger's stood by his side.

Avenger's One-Shots/ IronDad & SpidersonWhere stories live. Discover now