Chapter sixteen

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~Ponyboys pov~

I came home and got greeted by soda and Darry like usual. But somethings off...

"Uh is everyone alright?" I said. Just by that sentence Sodas cheery mood seemed to go down. He just slumped away to his room. I looked at Darry and said

"Him and Steve are having some problems." Never in my life did I think that those two would have problems. But I mean like shit happens man.

~Sodas pov~
So uh turns out when you and your boyfriend get into a HUGE argument it will affect both of you. So bAsiCallY he HatEs Me. I try to call him. Ignored. Text. Ignored. He will be online but won't talk to me. I'm gonna try two-bit


Two-bit: what do you want happy-go-lucky

Me: Steve and I are having hard times and he won't answer me or talk to meeee

Two-bit: WaiT shit really?

Me: yeah :(

Two-bit: brb

Me: where are you going

Two-bit: keying his car

Me: ( ; _ ; )/~~~

I kinda feel bad for not telling Pony. He's like my best friend and any other time I'd tell him anything. Just it hurts to tell him this time. And like I don't even know if I can say it without tearing up. I Toss and turn trying to get comfortable in bed, but I couldn't sleep. I was just tired of life I wanted to take a break but noOOoOO. I tried to tell Darry but I just broke out into tears. I just don't want to show Pony me crying over some stupid boy. Well I mean like he wasn't stupid and he still isn't but like-

Incoming call from Babe <3

I answered as fast as I could.


"Hey, So, I've been thinking a lot about what happened, but I think we should take a break and break up... I kept on trying to deny it but ya know...."

I tried my best not to break down into tears but I choked them back.

"Y-yEah that sounds like a good idea" I said with my voice breaking and automatically hung up and cried some more. Everything just hurt. Hurt too much. I- I have to tell Pone. I texted him and asked him to come to my room. After WHAT FELT LIKE AN ETERNITY. He came into my room.

"What's up So?" Pony asked. I know he saw my hurt and felt it but I don't think he could understand.

"I- s-Steve broke up with me...Just now" I saiD getting teary eyed.

"Oh my god" he said going automatically giving me a hug and holding me tightly. He's one of the best brothers I could ever have to be honest. I hugged him tightly as I sobbed some more.

"we have to do something about this..." he said then he gasped. "Get in the car." He said in a stern tone.


"Get. In . The. Car. And wear something dark." He said. I went with his idea and he left my room so I changed into a regular black T-shirt and some dark jeans. I came down stairs to see Darry getting ready to leave.

"Ponyboy told me we're doing s o m e t h I n g" Darry said. Oh no he's including Darry this must be a crazy plan. I shrugged it off and hopped in the car with them. Pony had something in his hands but I couldn't really see due to the darkness. Pony was giving off directions and I didn't really pay attention but when we got there it looked like Steve's house? He handed me and Darry something. Was this eggs and toilet paper?

"Tonight we strike." Ponyboy said. We all got out the car and Pony and Darry started throwing things. I looked to my left and I could see that Two-bit actually keyed his car so that made me snicker. I looked back to Ponyboy and Darry and I took a second and threw the toilet paper in the trees too and threw eggs at his house as well. Ponyboy yelled BITCH as loud as he can and Steve came out the house and we all ran back to the car and drove off laughing.


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