Chapter Ten

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~Johnnys Pov~
I woke up sprawled out in my bed with the sunlight beaming on my face. I got out of bed to look for Dally. The coldness of the floor caused goosebumps to spread all over my body. I looked around for Dal, but I couldn't find him. I checked my phones and it said 2 unread text. I checked it and it was from Dally.

Dal: Went to Bucks earlier in the morning. Be safe! And invite Pony over 😏😂

Me: 😑

I also saw the other text which was from Ponyboy. It said "Goodmorning❤️". Oh god I've never gotten a Goodmorning text from a guy I liked. Uh. What do I say?! Hey hot stuff. NOPE NOPE DELETE! Hey hun! Too soon? Yeah too soon. Delete.

"Aw, miss me already 😂?"

Ah, perfect and send. As I waited for Pony to text back I looked around the house for things to do. Maybe I should invite Pony over. What if all he wants to do with me is make out?! Oh my gosh like he doesn't love me he just gets bored!? Oh no what if he's just using me as a toy?!?! Wait waiT I need to clear my head. I've known Pony for years now I know he'd never do that to me. He would never hurt someone. I took a deep breath and let it out then Pony responded.

Ponyboy: yeah maybe what's the big deal lol

Johnny: oh nothing it's just cute.

Ponyboy: mmm you're cute.

Johnny: lol sure. Do you wanna come over? Dally left and I have nothing to do.

Ponyboy: yeah sure be there in ten.

Ponyboy always knew how to make me blush. He was always so nice and amazing. He made me smile and laugh a lot and made me happy. I searched around  the kitchen for something to eat which took around three minutes. Then I ate which took about three more minutes. After I got done eating I went to the couch and plopped down. I put the throw blanket over my cold body and flipped through some channels on the TV. After five or so minutes I heard a knock on the door. I knew who it was so I didn't ask who it was so I answered the door.

"Hey Pone." I said squinting my eyes from all the sunlight.

"Nice outfit" Pony said with a smug face chuckling a bit. I didn't remember changing and I know my pajamas aren't that bad. Then it hit me. I was in-front of Pony with just boxers on above the ankle socks and a throw blanket draped over me. Pony got a good look of me before I shut myself inside the blanket. "Aw why'd you cover" Pony said jokingly with a smile and a slight roar of laughter to spring on. I couldn't believe my stupidity.

"Just come in." I said pulling him inside the house. I was slightly aggravated already so eh what's the point of being sympathetic. I saw a smug look form on Ponys face and I was already ready for a Dally ish comment.

"Aw you're dressed up for me and you allow me in what a gentleman" He said laughing even harder.

"Shut up" I said flicking him on the nose lightly. He giggled and I smiled. But he grabbed my hand and spun me around. Oh jEsUs cHrISt iS tHis whaT lOve FeeLs likE. Then he dipped me.

"Hey there how's the weather down there." He said giggling. Then I did what he lea-well not least expected, but somewhat expected. I pulled myself up add had a believable mad face. "Oh sorry are you mad?" He said. Then I went up close to him and closed the gap between us and kissed him. I felt the blush spread across both of our faces.

"Do I seem mad?" I said still not torn from his face. Our faces were still so close our noses were almost touching. The sun was beaming on both of us warming both of us up from the cold house. Then he put his forehead against mine.

"You're amazing Johnnycakes." He said with a raspy tired tone. I had forgotten he just woken up a couple minutes ago like me.

"You're tired aren't you?" I said with a soft smile. He giggled and lightly nodded. He's so cute. "Do you want to watch a movie and cuddle?" I said smiling wider.

"Mmm I'd love to." He said giggling and smiling again. I lied down slightly on the couch and I spread out my arms to signal him to come. He sat in between my legs and nuzzled into my chest. We watched the movie Hocus Pocus. It wasn't anywhere near Halloween time, but it was playing and plus we really liked that movie. I put my fingers through his hair and played with his hair. He started giggling and turned around and kissed my lips. We both smiled and he drifted off to sleep. I later felt my eyelids get heavy and I fell asleep cuddling into Pony and holding him.


"HEY JOHNN- OH OOPS" Dal yelled. I felt moving on my chest and almost screamed. Then I realized it was just Pony. Sweet, beautiful, amazing, cute Ponyboy. I fluttered my eyes open and saw Dally in a weird position. It looked like he had frozen in his tracks. "I didn't know you were really gonna do it!" Dally harshly whispered.

"Yeah well maybe if you didn't leave I wouldn't have to!" I said with a slight harsh tone. Then when Dally was thinking of what to say Ponyboy muttered my name and held on to my waist. Which made a blush stretch across my face. Dal bursted our in a quiet laughter. I scrunched my nose at him which made him laugh more.

"oh shit. Oh no. Oh god. Shiiiiitttttt." Dally said. He sounded worried and scared at the same time which conceded me.

"Dal? Dally what's wrong?" I said. I was actually getting really scared.

"Does Darry know he's been here this long. It's 7 pm." He said. Oh god. He's beeN hErE fOr 8 hOuRs. I knOw neiTher oNe oF uS goT maNy slEep MAyBe lIKe an hOur or a HalF bUt i DiDnt kNow We wOuLd slEeP foR sevEn hOuRs. Oh no. Darry's gonna kill us.

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