Chapter one

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~Ponyboy's pov~
I asked Darry last night if I was able to see Johnny this morning considering he was in the hospital I wanted him to know I cared about him. As soon as I woke up I got kinda dressed up. I slicked my hair back I put on some tight fitting jeans other then some baggy ones and a black shirt and one of Soda's flannels. I rushed out the house as soon as I got done getting dressed. I started running towards the hospital. As soon as I got there I didn't even care that I was halfway cramping and panting so hard I was determined to see Johnny. I asked the nurse in mixed words, "I'm here to see Johnny Cade". I was panting in between all of my words. "Down the hall take a left and the fourth door on the right". She said. I already knew where Johnnys room was from me being there so much. I didn't want to startle him so I softly knocked on the door. I heard his soft voice halfway shout "Come in!". How did he sound so positive after all of this. I walked in and his eyes seemed to sparkle. He sat up in his hospital bed and said "Hey Ponyboy!" He said cheerfully. It was so upsetting seeing him in this condition he didn't deserve it. If only it were just me. He didn't have to run away with me if I didn't ask him to. He wouldn't have almost died. He would've been perfect and healthy. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Johnny's soft voice calling my name. I responded to him with a hum. He seemed to blush slightly from my lost look but it could also be just him I'd never know. "How are you doing this fine morning" Johnny said with a slight giggle. I smiled "Well considering I just woke up about a half an hour no clue" I stated. We both laughed and kinda just locked gaze. He seemed to lean closer to where I was since I was sitting right next to him. Was this going to be it, was he finally gonna kiss me. No way brain! He would never love me not even like me. He broke the moment by saying "Sorry about that I got lost for a second". I thought about it and he probably wasn't even looking at me he was probably just spacing out. "It's alright Johnny cakes!" I said. I really wanted to call him the nickname I've always wished to call him, but it'd be weird considering he's straight. Puppy just the way it sounds fits him perfectly. He was like a lost puppy that's been kicked too many times. That's what we all thought. "Hey Ponyboy what have you been?" He questioned, "Uh well I've been working on a couple things and I'm starting to develop feelings on someone", "Oh it's that cute soc Cherry isn't it". For some reason he dropped his head like he was upset. I didn't really like Cherry like that anymore considering I was queer. I didn't know who to say so I just nodded my head. I started describing her in ways I'd describe Johnny I'd use her name but use his body, his personality, his style, his everything. "Everything about her is just so great. She's always there for me and there to listen. I know that we will never be together because I'm not her type. Well style." I kinda held the back of my neck getting flustered just thinking of him. He seemed to look more upset but he managed to laugh with me when I said I'm not her style. "Hey so when are you getting out of here Johnnycakes?" I questioned him. "Uhh I have no clue" he stated bluntly. We both giggled by that. "So um what's up with Dally?" He asked. It made me kinda jealous how close they are considering I could never be like that with him. "Well the gang is trying to decide who misses you more me or Dal". I giggled. "Dal misses you a load ton. We all do. But it took a higher toll on him because of how close you two are." I said, he say up with a worried expression. "I-is he okay?!" He questioned concerned. "Oh yeah he's okay he just misses you, he seems to be doing better kinda." I told him. He took a deep breathe in and out. "Jesus Pony you almost scared the living day lights out of me", "Sorry Johnny", "Its alright kinda." He said. The nurse came knocking on the door. "Excuse me but it's time for you to leave Mr.Curtis. Johnny needs his rest", "Oh, yeah of course." I said softly. "Bye Johnny have a good rest of the day." I told Johnny before I left. I heard him say "you too!" I whispered I love you quietly before I left hoping he heard but also hoping he didn't.

I got home and Steve and Soda were the only ones there. They were kissing on the couch and I walked in. Me and Darry already knew about Steve and Soda. "AHHH MY EYES!" I yelled out after they jumped off of each other. I giggled and Soda playfully rolled his eyes at me and Steve quietly chuckled. "And where were you at so early in the morning" Soda said. No where" I said. "Are you sure you weren't visiting Johnny." They both said with dragging and mocking Johnnys name. "Why do you think I like him, he doesn't even like me like that, he surely straight, and even if he was queer he'd have the hots for Dally probably." I said. They looked at me like I had brain damage. "Yeah alright." Soda said. Steve chuckled and then so did Soda. "Hey what's so funny?" I questioned. "Nothing." They said almost cracking up. "Whatever you guys are silly anyways I'm going to my room." I said walking to my room. As I left I heard them kissing I couldn't help but get jealous because I couldn't have that with Johnny.

So my hand is currently numb because I write this whole thing in like twenty minutes. This is my first link FANfiction, so please tell me what you think! Thank you for reading loves! 💋

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