Chapter four

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~Johnnys POV~
I woke up somewhere in the middle of the night to find myself nuzzled up to Ponyboy. It seemed like he was holding me too. I didn't wanna wake up because I loved this feeling. I loved the way he's just holding me and not making any remarks that show me he's straight. I know I couldn't stay like this for much longer because Steve or soda or even worse Darry could walk in. I slipped out from under Ponyboy and walked out the room. I went to go check the clock on the wall and it said 2:24 am. Okay so it's not that late good. I turned to my right and saw Steve awake but Soda dead asleep. "Oh hey Johnny what are you doing up this late." He questioned while I could hear the I love Lucy playing in the background. "Oh I just woke up out of the blue.", "Are you sure it wasn't because you were cuddling Ponyboy to tight.", "Shhhh I told you to keep it a secret I don't want him to find out because he obviously likes that soc Cherry, I almost stupidly confessed tonight", "You did what!?" Steve said excitedly. "SHHHHH" I said, "you could wake Pony or Soda!" Steve seemed to quiet down in an instant. I grinned and walked back into the bedroom. I could see Pony tossing and turning and mumbling something. Was he having a bad dream? Oh no this seems really bad. I rushed over to him slightly shaking him. "Hey Ponyboy wake up. It's alright." I said waking him up. "Johnny?" He said sleepily while looking around the room. "Yeah it's just me Pony, you're alright, you're safe with me, I promise." I said placing my hand over his. I couldn't believe I just did that. I was even surprised more for what happened next. Was Pony leaning in to kiss me? Wait why is he leaning in. Oh shi- and just like that my thoughts were interrupted by Pony placing his lips on mine. I kissed him back. It was just us kissing in that dark room with the moonlight beaming on us. Pony broke the kiss and looked at me. "I-" is all that could come out his mouth it seemed like it he was probably still half asleep so he probably thought it was a dream. "Shhh shh go back to bed" I said as Pony lied back down and went to sleep. I fell asleep smiling that night.

I woke up and saw the sunlight beaming on Ponyboys face. His hair looked like it was glowing. His soft pinkish lips. His beautiful fair skin. But then make it Pony to wake up in the middle of someone admiring him. He woke up and stretched a little and yawned. "Good morning!" He said cheerfully, "Good morning!" I replied back with. He sat up and said "I had the most best dream last night, it almost seemed real!" He said happily, "Oh really?", "Yeah! It was like a dream come true!" He said. Could he possibly be talking about last night. No way he was half asleep and couldn't remember. "How much I would want that to happen in real life" He said dramatically flopping on the bed which made me giggled. I don't know if it was just my imagination, but was Ponyboy Curtis blushing at my laugh? No way in hell! What am I thinking! "Hey Johnnycakes?" Pony said. I loved it when they called me that I found it so cute especially when Pony called me it. I hummed in response. "What do you do when you know someone doesn't feel the same way about you but you feel like you're not only liking them as a crush, you're falling in love with them?" He said softly. Pony was asking me this?! Hmm maybe I don't know because I've been feeling that same way for the longest time ever about you. I would've probably not been here with you if I would've told you! I cannot tell you how much you mean to me but I just want to! Why do you do this to me! You just make me fall in love with you then you crush my feelings for some soc! A SOC! "I have no clue I'm sorry." Is all I could say. He seemed to frown. "Johnnycakes you- You're my w-" he said while getting interrupted by Soda and Steve slamming open. "WAKE UP KIDDOS!" We all laughed. "It seems like they're already up" Steve said me and Pony giggled by that "Yeah I know I have eyes Steve." Soda said. "You guys are acting like an old married couple trying to wake up your kids" Pony remarked. Then Steve blushed and twirled Soda around dipping him. "Oh lovely wife!" Steve said dramatically, "Oh husband!" Soda said even more dramatically. Then Steve pulled Soda real close to him it looked like they were about to kiss. "AND SCENE!" they yelled. Me and Pony both started clapping. It'd be funny if Soda and Steve were to be a thing. First off bestfriends like me and Pony, then people who love eachother. I know Steve likes Soda but Soda is super mega ultra straight for Christ sakes he's with Sandy, a girl. He was probably more straight then Ponyboy. I mean like two guys can dream right?

Okay okay I'm so sorry this was really short it was only like 900 words I've been too consumed with life right now and I'm trying to write a lot now because life's going really well!

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