Chapter Twelve

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~Johnnys Pov~
Ponyboys been acting odd these couple days it made me worry about him because he's also been avoiding me. I finally spotted him at his locker.

"Hey Pone! I've missed y-" I was saying sweetly till I noticed his condition. He had bags under his eyes his skin seemed to be whiter and his eyes seem lifeless. God dang what happened to him.

"Oh hey Johnny I can't really talk right now I gotta go to class." He had this weird flicker in his eyes. Hurt maybe. Help? Anger? I dunno and I guess I never will.

"Hey we have the same class! Let's walk together!" I insisted not trying to give up on him. I don't want him to be gone because I know this is my last chance to talk to him. I'm never gonna be able to see him as my Pony again am I. I let my eyes look to the tiles on the floor for two seconds and Pony was gone. I sighed and walked to my class.
It was around study hall and we didn't have a teacher because our teacher left so a different teacher would check on us once and a while. I saw Cherry and Bob talking which made me even more upset because Cherry would always talk to Pony.

"WELL HES MY BOYFRIEND SO I DKNT CARE!" I heard Bob shout. Boyfriend...?? Please don't tell me it's someone I know. Blek that'd be gross and a trai- Then I saw it Bob went over to Pony and kissed him. Pony seemed to have a late reaction and seemed like he was going to push him off. "HEY EVERYONE PONYBOY MICHAEL CURTIS IS MY BOYFRIEND." I heard his shout but he had his eyes on me the whole time. I then walked up to Pony upset.

"P-please tell me this isn't really right. I know you wouldn't hurt me." I said trying not to cry. And all he could make out was.

"Johnny I'm sorry." I covered my mouth trying not to sob as hard as I could and ran out with tears welling in my eyes. "JOHNNY-" I heard him shout. It sounded like his humanity was coming back but he had hurt me so bad and I can't let him talk to me or see me or anything for that matter including me. I ran out of the school and made my way into the DX.

"SODA! SODA HELP PLEASE!" I said letting out tiny sobs. Soda looked at me like he did that one day I got beat up by Bob. Sad, worried, sympathetic, scared, and confused. He let me run up to him and then he go to questioning.

"What's wrong? Is Pony alright? Did someone hurt you guys? Did someone hurt you??" He said. I liked him he was just like pony except more stupid.

"Well yes all of those things but emotionally." I said then explained the whole thing. He then looked at me with wide eyes.

"Oh no oh no this is all my fault Johnny- oh my god I'm so sorry. I didn't know he was the one who did that to you guys." He said panicked and about to cry.

"Soda how could this be your fault?" I questioned I'm honestly getting confused myself.

"Promise me you won't be mad" he said. I nodded and he explained everything about how he pared them up but he made it clear that he didn't know which made me giggle.

"It's okay Soda if you honestly didn't know. But knowing Pony why didn't he say no? Did he want to hurt me? I don't know what I did to him but I'll do anything. Gosh what did I do? I'm horrible. Oh god. Oh g-g-o." I said dropping to my knees and crying.

"Johnny! Johnny!" Soda said sliding to his knees to me. He hugged me. "Johnny. None of this is your fault trust me. Pony wouldn't want to personally hurt you for any reason. I know him he's my brother. My stupid stupid little brother." He said petting my head. I miss the feeling of someone in my arms. I was walking out of the DX and saw someone run right by me leaving a cooling breeze on my face. And I walked home. I greeted Dally he didn't seem bothered by the fact that I was skipping school. I opened my phone and called up Pony I might as well let him now how I feel.
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"Hey Ponyboy it's me Johnny... Just wanted to let you know that I miss you and I wish you would talk to me more and let me know what's going on........I don't think you know how much you hurt me. You said you'd never hurt me never. YOU PROMISED ME AND YOU LIED. HOW COULD YOU HURT ME SO BAD. YOU KNOW HOW EVIL HE IS. HE BEAT ME UP AND DROWNED YOU. HOW COULD YOU PONYBOY MICHAEL CURTIS.......h-how could you." I said breaking down sobbing. I hit end 20 seconds of me sobbing I didn't want him to feel bad for me. I don't need his pity. I sat down on the floor infront of my bed and pulled out a large tub filled with photos. I looked through them because looking through photos of me and the gang always made me smile. But I came across one where it looked like Pony was about to kiss my cheek and I had a pretend shocked face on. We were so dumb taking that photo. I remember that day.

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