Dipper and Wynn eyes each other, careful.

"We played." Dipper started, sighing. "It was Wynn's idea to play. I really want to go and find a place to stay as much as possible but she's just damn too stubborn." He snorted, playfully rolling his eyes at Wynn.

The blue-haired patient giggles, dimples showing. "Stubbornness is one of good qualities you know!" She said.

"I'll say. You never go unconscious when the kidnappers beat us up."

Without a beat, the atmosphere that was once playful and light turns heavy again. Or maybe that was just Bill, feeling guilty. He clenched his jaw as his eyes drawn down.

Wynn held his hand, gentle, "you know that they never treated us fairly, Bill." She said. "Their target was me. The kidnappers took me while Dipper and I were playing hide and seek. Dipper is the one hiding, I never thought that he'll hear the commotion and jump in to save me." Her eyes lighting up. "Your lover is really brave you know?"

"A true Gryffindor, that's for sure." Bill snorted as Dipper rolls his eyes. "I prefer to be in Ravenclaw, but whatever floats your boat." He said.

Then, his eyes narrowed away. "Besides, that was the only time I saved you. You protected me many times back then." He said.

Wynn shook her head. "Except for that one time." She raised her head to meet Dipper's, "I couldn't protect you when they.." She trails off.

But Dipper knew exactly what she means. He sighs, throwing his hands in the air. "We can't do anything about it. They're five muscular men versus two wimpy kids." He defended.

"It's still wrong and you know that!"

"Obviously!" Dipper frowns, "everyone knows fucking an 8 years old child is a huge crime." He stated, words grinding against his teeth.

Bill's eyes widens at the revelation. He's certain too that he heard himself mutter a "what?". Is this why Pine Tree is so scared of touches? Because he was raped? His body shuddered as if hit by an earthquake. His lips quivered, "Mason.." He started.

Dipper shook his head as his own arms wrapped around him. He feels so naked just by remembering that disgusting man's face. He can always hear his voice muttering disgusting compliments against his ear. He knows, he knows that he's being stripped away from his innocence. He knows that. Yet he can't do anything about it. He was just a child. Helpless.

"They just made me sit there and watch as they did those horrible things on him." Wynn speaks, voice barely audible. "I couldn't bare to look so I closed my eyes but I still can hear his screams, his sobs. Especially those thugs that laughs at you. Just some kind of joke." She gritted her teeth, furious.

"It's sick." Bill mutters. "I'm so angry."

Dipper looks at him. Gently placing his hand on Bill's cheek. He lifts up his face so his gaze can land on him. He smiles, hesitant, "I'm fine now."

"You are not." He said.

"But I am." Dipper pressed, "I wouldn't be here if I'm not fine, Bill."

Bill leans against his touch. "Okay.."

"You two really love each other, huh?"

That question breaks the moment of the couple, they pulled away, looking away, embarrassed. Wynn giggles at their awfully adorable sight. She tilts her head, grinning, "I feel like I'm the one who connects the both of you." She said.

"What do you mean?"

"If you didn't encourage me, Dipper, to be myself and literally just say fuck you to anyone who neglects me, you and Bill wouldn't even be here! " She exclaimed, eyes twinkling.

Dipper can see the resemblance with those eyes. It reminds me every time Bill's laugh, he sighs, a good kind.

"I didn't literally meant to say fuck you, you're just putting words in my mouth." He answered.

"How did you two managed to leave?" Bill interrupts, "I know back then that you two weren't just rescued."

Wynn nodded. "Dipper did the planning while I distracted them. Dipper is basically the brains of the operation."

"We wouldn't be able to leave if you didn't cooperated with me." Dipper follows, then smiles, "but I'll take the credit."

"Very sly, Dipper." Wynn teases. Then, as if remembering something. She sighs, "the hardest part is managing to escape the damn cabin." She says.

Dipper nodded. "I agree. It wasn't just some old cabin. To be honest, that cabin is peculiar as fuck." He replied.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, come on. Even as a kid, I know a worn out wood when I see one. Since the cabin looks so brand new and even the cabinets is polished new." Dipper explained.

Then, Dipper and Bill's eyes met. In an instant, they both know that something was up. Now they have something new to discuss furthermore.

Wynn knew what those eyes means but didn't bother to ask. She didn't cared anymore, all she wanted was to leave this room and have gelato for breakfast. She sighs, tucking herself in.

"I'm exhausted." She says, tired voice.

"Oh-- okay." Bill answered, surprised.

Her eyes glanced at her brother. Seeing his sad expression before fading away into his poker face. He's never good at it anyways.. She closed her eyes.

"Come back tomorrow night. Same time." She says, "don't be late. I still want to talk to you, brother."

Bill quirked his eyebrow. But didn't questioned for statement. Instead, he leans down and placed a kiss on top of her hair. "I'll see you tomorrow," he whispered before pulling away and looking at Dipper.

"Wynn." The brunet called.


"Thank you for saving my life." His voice wasn't sincere or full of heartfelt. But she knows he's in tears. Always been a crybaby, she couldn't help but to smile at that.

Wynn didn't say anything.

Hence, the couple left the room without any word left. Their hands brushing each other's as they walk back to the car then to their hotel.


Ces: hopefully, it answered, some. Votes and comments are appreciated!

Also, I am here to shamefully plug my own story! Its name is 'Happily Ever After' a part two of my supposed to be Billdip and Mabifica one shot 'One Last Time'.

Hope ya'll read it!

Words: 2417

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