Drop Dead, Gorgeous

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"No! Brendon, no!" Dallon exclaimed.

"But Dally, it'll be fun. You can show Ryan once he gets home and you can tell him that I taught you! C'mon," Brendon pouted at his boyfriend.

"Is this all so you can get praise?"

"Yup, so you're gonna do it? Please?"

Brendon was giving him puppy eyes and he knew damn well that Dallon had a hard time resisting them. Big, deep brown eyes holding so much persistence, just begging for Dallon to say yes, holy shit was it adorable-


Brendon squealed and jumped around like a child on Christmas, Dallon rolling his eyes. After he calmed down a bit, which wasn't much at all, he grinned mischievously at Dallon. Dallon just sighed. Oh boy.


  "Arms up, stretch them and touch your toes," Brendon instructed. "Keep them there for ten seconds and go back up and repeat."

  They were stretching, loosening everything up. According to Brendon, they had to stretch a lot before attempting to death drop which made sense. They had also taken the extra precautions and had laid gym mats across the living room floor. The coffee table had been pushed out of the way and the little plush chair they had was moved to rest in the dining room.

"Ok, I think we're done, ready?"

  Dallon nodded.

"Just slide into it like this," Brendon places a foot in front of him and quite literally slid into a death drop. Dallon tried it himself but hit his back, colliding with the mat. He groaned loudly and winced, getting up slowly.

"Babe, you're supposed to land more on your shoulders and calves, not slam your back onto the floor," Brendon said.

  "You could have told me this before I did that you know," Dallon retorted.

  Brendon was silent, trying to figure out an excuse as to why he didn't. Dallon looked expectantly at him, waiting for a response. After a couple minutes of Brendon staring into space, he eventually settled for "Try it again, aim to land on your calves. Watch me."

  Brendon slowed his pace down and demonstrated the move slowly. One foot in front of the other, slide and land on your calves, aim your head away from your feet, use your arms to cushion your fall and slide to rest on the floor. Sounds easy but is actually hard, a fact proven when Dallon did it incorrectly for the second time that day.


  Brendon sighed quietly, "Up you go, let's try this again."

  A loud thud resonated through the house yet again. Brendon grabbed his boyfriend's hands and help him up.

  "Come here, why do you have to be taller than me," Brendon complained.

  Dallon chuckled. He leaned down and Brendon pulled his face down and placed a kiss on his cheek, letting out his frustrations with that kiss.

  "Ok, should we go again?"


  Ryan placed the key into the keyhole and turned it, hearing the lock click was satisfying. He'd just gotten back from an exhausting gig, he was doing backbends, splits and just letting the audience have it. After the gig, he'd spotted his drag mother and caught up with her, grabbed a drink and didn't have enough time to get out of drag before he had to go home.

So here he was, standing outside the shared house in six inch heels, a sparkly, knee length, baby blue dress and a fully painted mug. Ryan was sure that he looked kind of ridiculous right now.

He turned the doorknob and as soon as he stepped through the doorway, he was tackled by his boyfriends and was enveloped in a tight hug. His ribs and feet were screaming at him but he ignored that in favor of hugging the two.

"Missed you," Brendon said, his voice muffled by the fabric of the dress.

"Bren, it's only been what five hours?"

"Still too long."

Ryan smiles fondly and glanced at Dallon who had his head buried in Ryan's neck. He raised a satin gloved hand to stroke Dallon's dark locks which were pushed back into a messy quiff.

  "I missed you guys too. Now, will you let me go so I can get out of drag? These heels are killing me."

  The two reluctantly let him go and Dallon closed the door behind Ryan. He was about to head to the bathroom when Brendon called out to him, "Wait, Dallon has something to show you."

  The man in question was giving Brendon a dirty, slightly irritated look. Ryan arched an eyebrow. Then he spotted the mat on the floor and was even more curious and confused.

  Brendon grabbed Dallon's hand and dragged him over to the mat. Dallon looked hesitant and took a deep breath. He dropped to the floor and completely surprised Ryan. His partner had done a death drop despite not knowing how to earlier. It was very messy and looked uncomfortable but it was undoubtedly a death drop.

  Ryan's eyes widened and you could see the natural brown under dark makeup. His deep blue lips parted and hung open in astonishment. Dallon got up a bit clumsily since he was basically a giraffe and looked sheepish.

  Ryan closed his mouth and cleared his throat before saying "Brendon taught you how to do this didn't he?"

  Dallon nodded and glanced over at Brendon who had a very proud smile on his face. Ryan walked over to his boyfriends, heels clicking with every step on the hardwood floor. He pressed a kiss onto Dallon's lips first then turned to Brendon and did the same.

  "You two are adorable," he whispered as he pulled away.

  The two had lipstick on them and it left a magenta tint on their normally pink lips.

  "I'm gonna get out of my shit now if you two are done with the tricks. Bren, could you help me undo my corset?" Ryan asked.

  "Yep, I surely can," Brendon replied flirtatiously.

  Ryan just rolled his eyes. He was way too tired for sex. Or for any of Brendon's antics really. Dallon watched as the two sauntered off to the bathroom. He'd had fun learning a new move and wondered how he'd gotten such cute and amazing boyfriends.
  Yay! This is done and I love it. Now, before y'all come for me, I am not a professional dancer nor a drag queen (I really wish) so I don't know exactly how to death drop. The way I described it was by watching Miss Laganja Estranja demonstrate it. Besides that, hope you enjoyed it and lemme know what you think! 🖤

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