-0.3 halloween fun

Start from the beginning

"You have?" Max and Lucas asked in unison. Cassie turned to Max with furrowed eyebrows, wondering how terrible her sister's memory truly could be.

"Yeah, he's the one I took to the treehouse."

"Ooh. The one with pretty eyes," said the redhead, her eyes widened in realization. Cassie nodded, not failing to notice Dustin's face turn a light shade of pink. She gave the boy a grin, making his face burn darker. Dustin found his mind swimming with pride, Cassie being the first girl to ever compliment him besides his mother.

Max then gave the boys a look, pulling Dustin out of his trance. "Yeah, I know who you are. You're the stalkers."  

"W-we n-no we- we weren't stalking you-" began Lucas. Cassie raised her eyebrows, a playful grin resting on her lips as she recalled the conversation she had had with Dustin the day prior. Dustin avoided her eyes, stuttering as he tried to back up his friend.

"Yeah, no, we were just concerned. Because you're new and all," said the curly haired boy, making Cassie laugh. Her and Max shared a look as they boys went on.

"For your safety!"

"There are so many bullies here."

"So many bullies, it-it's crazy."


"Is that why you're wearing proton packs?" asked Cassie, feigning confusion, making Max break the deadpanned look she had worn the whole time and laugh. Cassie grinned in triumph as they boys began to realize she had been joking.

"Uh, um well, these don't function, but I do have this handy dandy trap here, and look." Dustin popped the lid open by pressing a button. "It even opens. Cool right?" He asked, but the unamused look returned on Max's face. On the other hand, Cassie was trying so hard not to laugh, she thought she might explode. She enjoyed the fact that they were trying so hard to be their friend; and while it may seem creepy to some, Cassie just happened to be a self-aware attention seeker, so she didn't mind at all.

"No? Okay so we were talking last night, and your new, so you probably don't know your way around for trick or treating, and you're scared of bullies, right? So we were thinking, it would be okay if you came with us." smiled Dustin, confidently, despite internally panicking. His lie wasn't the best after all. Cassie felt the need to facepalm, feeling slight embarrassment for the boy. Max shared a wide-eyed look with Cassie, obviously joking.

"It would be okay?" repeated Max, mock-surprise written on her face. 

"Yeah, well, our party's a democracy, and the majority ruled that you could come."

"I didn't realize it was such a privilege to go trick or treating with you," remarked Cassie as Max nodded along, a sarcastic grin on her face.

"Yeah, well, we know where to get the full-sized candy bars so we figured you'd want in," explained Dustin, grinning largely. Cassie held back a snort— if she wanted full sized candy bars she'd steal money from Billy and go to the Dollar General to buy a pack. It'd probably be easier than walking across an unfamiliar town in the dark.

"That's presumptuous of you." said Max, resulting in Dustin's smile wavering slightly, not knowing what the word meant. How does she expect me to know what that means? We're in 8th grade, not college, he thinks to himself as he tries to put together a sentence.

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