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We walked around campus with this old guy and a younger woman. I was standing on the other side where Karen wasn't. I was going to have a good day, for Lip.

"So, when you're not busting SAT cheaters, you're a teacher?"

"Professor. SAT's a side gig, pays for my boat." The guy says, and Lip laughs.

"Which gets you laid, I'm guessing."

"No, the beard gets me laid. Chicks dig a beard." The guy says, smirking and I walked up to the two boys smirking.

"He isn't wrong Phillip." I said, and Lip smirks at me.

"I'll keep that in mind." Lip says, and I chuckled then falling back behind with the girls. The lady turns to Karen.

"You planning on going to college?" The lady asked, and she shakes her head, making me snicker.

"Of course not." I said, Karen glares at me and the lady looks to me.

"What about you?"

"I want to get into art and photography." I said, and she smiles.

"You know, Professor Hurst thinks Lip's a genius." The lady says, and I smiled at the boy in front of us.

"Yeah, no doubt about it." I said, and looking back at her as she smiles, looking between me and Lip.

"That's cute." She says, as we kept walking. We got to an escalator, and I was in the middle of everyone. The girls behind and the boys in the front, the boys were talking.

"I'd like you to attend the university next semester." Professor says, and Lip shakes his head.

"I can't. I still have a year and a half of high school left."

"Well, test out, you know you're capable." Professor says, shrugging.

"And pay for it with what? Beard get me money too?" Lip says, and the Professor smiles.

"There's grants you can apply for. There's loans that you will pay for the school and the dorm and your meal card."

"And then I end up owing like half a million bucks, right?" Lip says, and Professor Hurst shrugs.

"Well, you're a smart kid. You'll figure out a way to stiff Uncle Sam."


It turns out I had fun at the college, talking with the Professor's assistant about the art programs and everything. I walked up the Gallagher house when I see Debs and Frank running around all hyper and shit.

"Hey." I said, and both turn around smiling.

"Angel!" They both yell and Debs twirls me around and I laughed.

"Frankie's home!" Debs says, and I laughed once again as she spins and twirls, "Oh my God, I am so wired."

"Debs, what's going on?" Fiona says, walking into the room, looking at her sister weird.

"Either she's found some good drugs, or she's had way to much sugar." I said, leaning against the wall.

"We got high on sugar, because Daddy quit drinking."

"Who's daddy?"

"Me, daddy! Me, me, me-me-me-me!" Frank says, and I laughed as I watched him tip back more sugar.

"Shit." I hear and I look to see Lip standing there, staring at his father. I looked around, laughing until my eyes landed on a girl in some weird long dress.

"What's with Mary Poppins?" I said, Kev gives me a look and I put my hand up in mock defence.

"This is our new daughter Ethel." Kev says, smiling and I raised an eyebrow.

"Daughter?" I said, Veronica comes up and sighs.

"Foster daughter." Veronica says, and I nodded, I looked at her and gave her a smirk.

"I'm Angel." I said, she bows to me and I laughed, copying her.

"Nice to meet you." She says, and I made my way to the couch.

"Um, I know I haven't been the most exemplary father for the past 3 or 15 years. But now I'm gonna need your help to get through this." Frank says, "From this point forward we're going to be a family again." Frank looks to Ethel taking a double glance.

"What the hell is that?" Frank says, and Ethel looks down. I picked up a pillow, throwing it to Frank.

Soon we were all playing games to keep Frank busy while Lip and Karen sat on the chair and watched. Frank ran past us in the living room he stopped by the piano and smiled.

"Hey! The piano!" He says, sitting down playing a classic piece before turning to 'I'm a Survivor', we all laughed and sang along with him.

"I didn't know Frank knew how to play the piano?" Veronica says, and Fiona shakes her head.

"Neither did I."

We were all singing along with him to the lyrics before Lip stands up and rudely interrupts our fun.

"I can't believe you guys are buying into his bullshit." He says, and we all looked at him confused, then he turns to Karen, "Come on, I'll walk you home, Karen."

"What difference does it make? He'll be drinking again by tomorrow anyway."

"No, not when money's involved." Lip says, grabbing his and Karen's coat before walking out the door.

"Dang, what's wrong with cranky pants tonight?" Veronica says, and I shrugged.

"Probably didn't get laid." I said, and Veronica laughs leaning into my side. Fiona then stands up, looking down at her phone.

"Got caught up with something. Check in tomorrow." Fiona reads and Veronica sighs.

"That from Steve."

"Yeah. He was acting weird this morning Candace texted him. Said he works with her, don't know if I believe him." Fiona says, sitting back down and sighs.

"Okay, any requests?" Frank asked us, and Ethel moves closer.

"Carry me home on the cross?" She says, smiling and we all looked away, me holding in a laugh. 

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