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I breathe out before walking up the steps and opening up the door to the Gallagher house. I smirked as I entered the kitchen, seeing loads of meat hanging around on everything.

"Kev, I know you're married and everything but when you called talking about giving me meat, this wasn't what I had in mind." I said, Veronica along with Kev and Fiona laugh at me.

"Sorry missed your shot." Veronica says, and I chuckled.

"Yeah, shit load came from the truck down the street. Got you and your Gramps some." Kev says, and I grabbed a box and smiled.

"Thanks K, Gramps will love this."

"Does Ron Fitzgerald still have that chainsaw?"

"Yeah, he owes me cause I told his wife he was on his way home when he was actually getting a hummer from some dude." Kev says, I turned to see Lip was staring at me, and I cleared my throat.

"Lip? Lip, let's go." Kev says, Lip coughs and nods.

"Yeah." Lip says, and he leaves. I put on a fake smile, before kissing little Liam and waving off to the rest of the Gallagher's as I walked out the door. I walked all the way home, and I walked inside seeing my Grandpa sitting at the living room.

"Hey, what you got there?"

"Meat truck was raided. We have a whole box." I said, Gramps gets up and smiles.

"Yes." He says, kissing my forehead and I smiled.

"Alright I gotta go, I promised Mandy I'd go over." I said, he waves his hands dismissively and I smiled.


The next morning Mandy and I went shopping for her Dad's first breakfast back home. We walked through the back door, to see Terry sitting up.

"You making all that noise? I'm trying to fucking sleep." Terry says, and Mandy groans.

"You want your stupid eggs or not, Dad? If you stop being a prick, I'll even make you a sausage." Mandy says, "Also Angelica is here." I smirked.

"You here for me or Mickey?" Terry asked, and I shrugged.

"Both. Welcome home, Terry. Added something for a nice home warming gift." I said, and he smiles.

"A godsend you are." Terry says and I chuckled.

"Mickey here?" I asked, looking at her and she shrugs.

"I think he is in his room." She says, I nodded, I go to walk off but Terry walks first.

"I gotta piss, I'll check." He says, and I smiled walking back into the kitchen to help Mandy out with the breakfast. Mickey walks out of his bedroom, sitting at the table smirking at me.

I dished his food and walked it over to him, he pulls me into his lap. I smirked at him, pulling him into a kiss and he responds, before I pulled away. I raised an eyebrow as I spot Ian walking out of Mickey's room. Mandy walks over to talk to him, and I see him lifting his shirt to reveal the gun Mickey took.

"I gotta go." I said, about to get up but Mickey pulls me down.

"Catch you later?" Mickey asked, and I nodded. I kissed him once more, before getting up and kissing Mandy and Terry on the cheek before running out of the house following Ian.

"Ian." I said, and he turns to me.

"Angel." He says, and I smiled.

"So, what were you doing at the Milkovich household, more importantly, Mickey's bedroom?"

"Nothing, got what I needed." Ian says, and I nodded my head but narrowed my eyes at him.

"Okay." I said, and I linked arms with him, "So, heard Frank is having a fake funeral? What is it with the fake things this week?" I said, and he laughs.

"You gonna go?"

"I will if you do." I said, smirking and he chuckles.


Ian and I ran into the living room stripping our coats and scarfs off to reveal our funeral wear. I had chosen to wear a tight black dress, well I didn't choose, Veronica told me too because of some guys Frank owes six grand too. I knew there was a catch.

We all stood in our places, when we heard a car pull up right outside the house. I stood next to Lip and Carl, Carl wrapping his arms around me, crying into my stomach. I swear I can feel the little weasel smirking. I was about to hit him but the door busted open and two men walked through.

"Sorry for your loss." One guy says, and Fiona fake sobs.

"It was a shock."

"I'm sure, accident, right?" A guy says, and I wiped a fake tear as I felt Lip's arm wrapped around me in fake sadness and turns to the guys.

"Suicide." He says, and we all let out fake sobs as I turned and cried into Lip's neck.

"Frank, he was like a father to me. He never treated me just as a drug dealer, but his drug dealer daughter." I said and cried some more. Lip lifted a hand and brought it to my head and brings me closer to him. The man walks forward, shaking Frank.

"I know you're faking it! Come on, open your eyes, you lying sack of-," The guy was cut short when his friend walks forward and grabs him.

"Jesus, Rob!" His friend says, and we all screamed as the guy slapped Frank's 'corpse'. Actually I wanted to laugh out right then and there, but I held it together.

"You're alive, I know it! Come on!" 'Rob' screams and his friend pulls him away again, stopping him from hitting Frank.

"What's the mater with you? Look at him, he's dead." The friend says, before looking at us, "Sorry, he's been under a lot of stress you guys." We all nodded. Fiona moves to fix Frank's coffin, crying out fake tears.

"Check with the boss- nobody move!" 'Rob' says, and his friend picks up the phone.

"Yeah, there's nothing worth taking." He says, then looks at Debs, "Unless you want the little girl, she's 11, 12. She's cute, but really a looker." The guy says, and I had to stop myself from glaring at him.

"They got another one, 17 at least. Smoking hot, but she ain't family." The guy says, and I clenched my jaw, about to step forward but Lip wraps his arms tighter around me.

"Easy." Lip whispers in my ear, and I had to stop my knees from giving up.

"When we're done here, I'm going to make sure I knee him in the balls." I whispered back, having a fake smile on my face.

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