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I stood in the kitchen next to Lip eating cereal out of the box, watching as Monica ran around crazy and Bob the useless fuck, sit with Liam.

"Monica, Carl needs something from you."

"What? What's this?" Monica says, as Carl hands her a slip.

"Permission slip." Carl says, shrugging. Monica nods at Lip for helping her, as she grabs a crayon and signs the note quickly.

"Oh, you're going to the aquarium! When?"

"Today. I need ten dollars." Carl says, Bob looks up and raised her eyebrow.

"What for?" She asked, and Carl glares at her.

"Admission fee."

"School doesn't pay for that?" Bob says, and I scoffed making her glare at me.

"No, they don't. Why the fuck would a school pay for every student to go free." I said, and Lip nods.

"Also, he'll need money for food."

"Grab him an instant oatmeal and a pop tart. Makes a great lunch." Bob says, looking at Monica.

"Deb, what are you doing?"

"I'm looking for poster board and markers. I'm running for re-election." Debs says, grabbing a crayon from the side.

"I need 40 bucks." Lip says, and Bob shakes her head at him.

"No." Bob says, and Monica looks to her girlfriend.

"Bob, do you have a five?"

"In my wallet. Where it's gonna stay."

"Look, I need a new calculus textbook. I can get it used, only costs 20." Lip says, and Monica sighs, running her hands through her hair.

"Where are our lunches?" Ian states, looking at her.


"What is everybody looking at? Start spreading peanut butter on bread."

"Right, where's the jelly?" Monica says, and Lip looks at me making me sigh.

"Jesus fucking Christ." I said, I walked forward and pushed Monica back. I pulled out 30 bucks, handing ten each to Ian, Carl and Debs. They all smiled, kissing my cheek before running off to grab their coats and shoes.

I turned and I see Bob looking at me, I gave a fake smile and gave her the finger. She glares at me, before standing up holding Liam close.

"We won't be here when you get home from school."

"Why?" Debs asked, and Monica leans down to Debbie.


"Fiona always tells us why." Debs says, looking at Bob who was looking at her.

"None of your damn business why." Bob says, and I glared at her. Before I could say something else, Monica for once speaks up.


"Your mother told you to go, so go! Out." Bob says, and I shake my head at her.

"And you want to be able to raise a child. What a fucking joke." I said, and Bob glares at me, I looked at Lip who nodded at me. I knew he was going to bring up the DNA test before pushing his siblings out.

"Oh, and Bob." I said, picking up my bag and looked at her.


"Go fuck yourself." I said, smirking turning on my heel and walked out the house. I stood down the street with the rest of the Gallagher family as we waited for Lip. I looked up to see Monica and Lip standing there talking, but Lip didn't want to talk.

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