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Today we were visiting the Gallagher's grandmother, we used to get along back in the day before she got sent off to prison. The only reason we were here was because Lip was trying to find Ian's real dad, which Ian had no interest in finding.

"There she is."

I looked up to see Lip and Ian's grandmother walk with a guard on the other side of the glass. We all made our move to sit right in front of her, she still looked the same but more white hairs.

"Hey Grammy." Lip says, and she narrows her eyes at us.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Grams, it's us. Lip and Ian. Frank's sons." Lip explains, but she still looked at them with a narrow look.

"Your grandsons." Ian elaborated again, she looks them over before a wide smile was on her face.

"My goodness, would you look at you two? I have never seen apple and spice looking so nice."

"Thanks Grammy."

"And who's this?" She says, lifting her eyes to me and I smile.

"It's sad that you don't remember me Grams. I used to try and steal your weed." I said, smirking.

"Oh my god, Angelica. Look at you now, I bet you're getting all the boys." She says, and I laughed.

"I choose only the good ones." I said, and I could see Lip smirking in the corner of my eye.

"How's it going in there?"

"Well the food's not so great, but the pussy's pretty good. Never thought I'd be the type." She says, and I laughed.

"Yeah, you and me both." I said, and she smirks at me, "It was one time."

"This dump ain't so bad, I can get blow anytime I like."

"Sounds all right."

"Yeah, the only thing that sucks is, they got me cleaning toilets. I wanted to be on kitchen crew, but they won't let me near the place. One meth lab explosion, and this is what I get." Grams says, and Lip coughs.

"Well yeah, it's probably because the two college students that died in the fire Grams." He says, and she shifts her eyes over us.

"So, what do you want?"

"Well, we're-uh, we're trying to find Dad's brothers. There's three, right?"

"Who wants to know?"

"Just us." I said, speaking up and Ian nods agreeing.

"One might be my dad." Ian explains further, making Grams narrow her eyes.

"How so?"

"Uh, Monica boned a brother." Lip says, doing hand gestures as he said it making me roll my eyes.


"Monica fucked a brother." I said, and she sighs leaning back.

"I never liked that woman. So, I give you names, what are you going to do for me?"

"What do you want?"

"Cigarette carton a week." She says, offering her price making Lip smile.

"What? You can get blow in here but not cigarettes?"

"Go figure." She says, laughing. I just shrugged my shoulders and nodded at her.

"You got it." I said, making Lip turn to me with a look on his face, "Are you seriously looking at me like that?" I nodded my head, he looks in the direction I nodded, seeing a guard flirting with one of the prisoners making me look at Grams and then Lip.

"Are you forgetting I'm a drug dealer? Getting shit into prison is easy as fuck." I said, and Grams laughs.

"I knew you would do great things." She says making me smirk, "Clayton, Jerry and my baby Wyatt. They're in the book, but don't bother with Wyatt. He lost his testicles in the Navy."

"Alright, let's go." A guard says, walking over.

"Okay." She nods, standing up as we do as well.

"Thanks Grams."

"And you tell Jerry, come on! That if he doesn't pay me back that five grand he stole, I'm going to send my ex-husband Ronnie to gouge his eyes out with a grapefruit spoon." Grams yells, as the guard pushes her out the room.


After visiting Grams in prison, we came back to the Gallagher household. We were sitting downstairs at the table surrounded by Green Stuff, from cupcakes to posters. Fiona sets down plain green cupcakes, I smile to myself and picking one up.

"Where were you guys all day?"

"We went to see Grammy, like you suggested." Lip says, and Fiona laughs.

"Yeah? How is she?"

"Still mean as a snake." Ian responds, standing up. I began eating the cupcake, along with Carl and Fiona looks at us.

"Carl, Angel, hey we're decorating not eating."

"I think I deserve it after sorting out a deal to Grams." I said, and she narrows her eyes at me.

"What deal?"

"A carton of cigarettes to get into prison without getting it caught." I said, and she gives me a look, "Don't worry worst is if it does, it won't trace back to me, this family or Grams."

"Then who will it go back too?"

"That is for me to know and for you not too." I replied standing up, walking to the sink washing cupcake residue off my hands.

"Hey-yo!" Steve says, walking through the door.

"Thank God." Fiona says, getting up as I walked back over to sit down.

"What's up?"

"Did you get my messages about Tony? Been trying you for hours."

"Oh, work was crazy." Steve says shrugging.

"I'm worried."

"Oh, he's not gonna do anything to me."

"Well, I-I think he suspects something." Fiona says, and Steve opens up a bottle of beer.

"No, he's just jealous. I'm careful." Steve says kissing her then walking over to us, "What do we have here?"

"If you're Carl, then you're making scrotum cupcakes."

"Very nice." Steve says and we all looked at Carl, laughing as we saw cupcake mix all over his face. As I was laughing, I look back to Fiona who was burrowing her eyes and looking at Steve. Whatever he was up too was putting Fi in a lot more stress.

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