Scowling to himself now, Stan looked to Craig for any help though, he came up short as Craig just stared at his hands. Usually, he would've had the patience for Kenny to talk about what was on his mind when he was ready, but Stan didn't care today: "Look, I know you hate it when I get pushy, but you're full of shit." Whipping his head up towards Stan's sternness, Kenny was taken aback. "Was it your argument with Clyde? You know he's just embarrassed, he'll be fi-"

"No," Kenny cut him off, a little curious as to how they even knew about that, though he only stared blankly at the notebook in front of him. There were a few minutes of silence as they waited for Kenny to continue with what he was feeling, yet the words were stuck in his throat. "I-I.."

It was painful for Craig to watch Kenny struggle like, it was just so painfully awkward that he couldn't help but to say something for once: "Spit it out, douchebag."

Although Craig could be a dick, he knew exactly what to say to Kenny to make him relax. A smirk threatened to tug on his lips at this, Kenny pushing up on himself to sit up straighter and force out his emotions. "Fine, dickweed. I'm just in my thoughts today. I've been thinking about my place in people's lives, and if I'm even a good friend. Uh, so yeah."

With everything that had been through together, Stan felt a knot twist in his stomach as he realized how blind he had been to his best friend struggling - and Kenny was the one thinking that he was a bad friend? Stan shook his head, unable to comprehend how the person that was always there for other people could possibly think that he was a bad friend. Even though he was a bit blindsided by Kenny's words, Stan elbowed Craig as he opened his mouth finally: "C'mon man, you're an incredible friend to all of us. You're my best friend, dude!"

It was always nice to hear those things of course, but Kenny doubted that everyone else shared those feelings. He had been through a lot with Stan and Kyle, though with the others, he had put them through a lot. Before he could protest his friend's argument, Craig was elbowed by Stan again, who motioned for him to say something, anything. "Goddamn, fine." Craig started with a growl. "Everyone looks up to you, Ken." This caused Kenny to glance at him from the corner of his eye with a raised eyebrow, now curious what his complicated frenemy was going to say: "Even though you're an asshole, you're the strongest and most selfless person I've known. You take care of everyone before yourself, which is kind of nice. I guess."

Looking to Kenny for a reaction, Craig rolled his eyes as he saw that a huge smile was now plastered on his face, the small gap between his front teeth revealing itself for the first time in too long. For someone as soulless and harsh as Craig to come up with nice things to say about him, Kenny couldn't help but to feel a little better. It was also a bonus how uncomfortable Craig was with being nice.

Still, despite the rarity he had just been a part of, Kenny's smile faltered as he still questioned how everyone felt about him. He hadn't been a perfect friend, and he knew that he often scared them with how unstable he could be at times; especially after the Cartman incident a few years back. So, how was he supposed to believe that they all wanted to be friends with him? After they made it out of South Park, would any of them still talk to him?

Watching their friend fall back in the mindset they so desperately tried to pull him out of, Stan and Craig sighed as they gave up for now. The day before the party all of them needed was not a good time to push Kenny on his feelings - he would just get explosively angry with the persistence. For now, they just let him pick up his pencil in silence and pour his attention into the notebook still open in front of him. At least he was still feeling creative.

Before all three of them knew it however, the bell was ringing signaling the end to their favorite class. Everyone was out of the room rather quickly, Kenny taking his time to gather his things while still avoiding his friend's watching eyes. Stan and Craig were talking quietly with each other now as Kenny rolled his eyes, and darted towards the exit of the classroom before they could stop him.

Hate My Guts (Kenny x Butters) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now