"He is rumoured to be working on a small cafe near a condominium. A bit dull for a son of a high-end jewelry maker company, huh?"

Dipper quickly stood up on his feet, eyes not leaving on the screen, "Bill!" He shouted and ran to the bathroom.

Bill quickly covers himself with the shower curtain, literally surprised that his day dream came true. He reddens, "o-oh, 'kay, let's just chill--"

"Look at this!" Dipper shoved the phone on Bill's face before he even finishes whatever he was about to say.

Bill squints his eyes, reading carefully.

The hot atmosphere quickly turned cold and tense due to Bill's furious expression that dawns on his face. His jaw clenched. How could anyone know about his location? He knows that 8-ball and the others are keeping the eyes and ears closed. They are the best on these kinds of job!

He bites his lip. Either, someone has gotten slipped from them or.. His mind went dark, someone ratted me out.

"How did this happen?" The screen disappeared and he met Dipper's concerned gaze. He pursed his lips, "I'm worried about you.." He said.

Bill's expression softens. "I'll be fine," he paused, glaring, "the ones who you should worry about are the bastards who possibly spread my location." He scowled.

He expected Dipper to calm him down but instead, his expression went furious too, "should we pay them a visit?" He suggested, voice unnaturally calm.

Bill raised an eyebrow, "what?"

Dipper's lips curved into a small yet bone-chilling smile, "your gang."

Then, the realization dawns to him. He grins, wide and crazy, "a simple surprise visit, huh?" He lifts up Dipper's chin, "what I wonderful idea."

Their lips met for a short while before Dipper realizing that he was getting wet and the fact they're both kissing in the shower, with Bill naked. His face flushed and used his every ounce of self control to not look down. He pulls away, hiding his face with his hands. Bill laughs at his action.

"Finally realized it, huh?" He teases. He grabs one of Dipper's hand and placed it on his hip, his hand flinched.

Dipper squeaks. He almost got away before Bill pulling him close again, Dipper feeling it and felt himself combust. He opens his mouth, but no sound came. Bill giggles and closed his mouth on his ear, whispering, "you okay, Mason?"

That literally send chills on Dipper's body, with one final pull, he ran away from Bill's body and out of the bathroom, silently screaming.

Bill laughs and quickly finished his shower.


Dipper pulls on a stop near a house that seems nostalgic, a good kind which is surprising since this is the place where he was tended and fighting death from the last time he got kidnapped.

He let himself smile, "the last time I was here, I was dying." He joked.

Bill smirked at him, "not scared on meeting Pyronica?" He asked, not surprised that he isn't afraid.

He's proud, rather. It's been months since they first met, and well, he didn't expect his life to be like this. He thought he'll live a life where he makes enough money on the cafe and live Piedmont after earning enough. He didn't expect for meeting someone so amazing and special that it'll take his whole life turn into 180° degrees.

Obviously, he isn't the only one who changed for the better. Dipper changed entirely too! The Dipper that he met is awkward, always stuttering, afraid of a simple touch of a finger tip and obviously, he's very self conscious. Now, this Dipper who survived so many things, is confident, comfortable with touches (especially if it's Bill), still awkward but it's the cute-kind of adorable and most of all, he is Bill's only lover.

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