Chapter 24: Something's Fishy...Oh wait! It's just a Squishy

Começar do início

You know what's a squishy right? They're....squishy. Plus, this squishy is not a regular squishy, it's actually bigger than my two hands combined! 

Ohhh~ It's also scented.

Along with the squishy is a note.

For you Beam ❤️

That is weird. Why a squishy? Of all gifts?!

"Who gave you this?" Pha asks while holding the unusual gift.

"Don't know." I shrug and Kit examines the note carefully.

"Maybe some girl who has a crush on you?" Kit infers and Pha agrees.

"Maybe." I hesitate before speaking once again. "I don't actually care though, but I'll take that." I immediately snatch the squishy from Pha's hands and tuck it on my side.

"Whatever." Kit rolls his eyes and puts the note somewhere...

"Hey guys!" A voice disrupts our conversation and that person appeared right in front of us.

"Oh, hi Ai'Rain." I greet as soon as I saw him. He greets us back and asks what's happening and why am I holding a squishy. Kit explained very briefly and Rain doesn't seem to have any questions. However, I caught a glimpse of him eyeing my squishy like it's some treasure or what. 

I know what he feels, squishies are irresistible!

With that, the classes resumed a few minutes later.

Finally! I can now go home and snuggle with my squishy-

Wait! Did I actually say that?

Oh well, no one's gonna stop me now. Muwahahahahahaha!

"Hey hey hey! Where do you think you're going?" Kit pulls my collar as he drags me to where he and Pha were supposed-to-be standing. 

"I wanna go home!" I thrash around, seeming like some kind of 3 year old kid. 

"We still have some group work and homework to do Beam, so behave." Both of them literally pull me to the library. I admit, I didn't even listen attentively to the lectures, how should I answer the homework nor can be of help to the group?!

So here I am, stuck in the library, with my so called friends whose faces are almost covered by books. I don't actually know how to start the homework and I can't be of any use to the group, sooooooo~ I'll just copy Pha's or Kit's work after they're done, also, I'll let them explain what the lectures were all about. 

Ok! I'll do that. 

Taking out something from my bag, I silently remove the plastic and take the squishy out. Once the squishy is out, the sweet smell coming from the toy invaded my sense of smell. 

Placing the toy in front of me before breathing a lungful of air, I position my face near the squishy as I continue to breathe its sweet scent. 

"You look like you're sniffing something illegal Beam." Kit comments then giggles seeing my weird position.

"Shut up! I'm tired." I whine and place my head on top of the toy. 

"I still wonder who gave you that." Pha adds, not looking at any of us. 

"Me too." Kit agrees before his eyes widen due to sudden realization. "Maybe Forth gave you that squishy?" 

"Oh yeah." Pha concurs in an unenthusiastic manner. 

"Forth? Pfft. Why would he give me squishy?" I ask to no one in particular but Kit still answers.

"I don't know."

It was already six in the evening when I arrived at my dorm. 

Oh yeah, I almost forgot to tell you guys. I saw Forth earlier and it was by accident. Not like he waited for me or anything!

He asked me why I was bringing something, which he didn't even know it was a squishy. That's why I asked him if he gave it to me, just so I can point out that he's not lying or pretending. He said no, and then we had a mini argument because he said he was jealous. When he started to talk about why he was getting jealous, I just left him behind, literally. 

That's why I'm here, to have some peace after what I call a 'chaotic day'. As soon as I approach my door, I saw something dangling inside a plastic bag. 

It is strange, I mean who wouldn't find it strange? Someone gave you a squishy in school and put it on your table, for me that's okay, but also outside your room? That's so creepy. It is a stalker? 

Maybe not. 

I proceeded to walk towards my door and saw something that makes me happy once again. It is another squishy, but a panda this time. It is a multicolored panda which is also bigger than my two hands combined. 

Yay! Another squishy! Plus, the panda is also scented, smells like blueberry.

Opening the door, I place the squishies on my bed before rushing to the bathroom to have my oh - so - deserved bath

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Opening the door, I place the squishies on my bed before rushing to the bathroom to have my oh - so - deserved bath. After that, I change into my pajamas and jump on my bed, hugging the two scented squishies like they are precious. 

As I was putting all my attention on the two squishies, something unexpected happened.

The squishes are now opened in half and white smoke appears right in front of me.

Tied Together [ForthBeam Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora