Chapter 2: To Hell with the Moons!

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After going to thick burning walls of hell, and finally having a nice 3 day vacation, it was suddenly ruined when this idiotic gigantic stupid tree-like friend of mine 'invited' us, more or forced us to go with him for practice. He was chosen to be part of the Moon and Star Competition which is held every year by our university, and is especially for freshmen just like us.

I tried declining his offer, and even sneaking my way out, but he threatened me about a secret no one knows but them, saying he'll spread it on our webpage and it'll make me the laughing stock of the university. And of course, who wants that to happen?! I reluctantly agreed to 'accompany' him for the first practice of the Moon and Star Competition since he was selected to be the Moon of our faculty.

"Tell me why the hell am I here again?" I whined to Kit since Pha is busy practicing inside, whereas Kit and I have to be exposed to the oh-so-hot Mr. Sun.

"Cause Pha and I have to drag you out of your chambers so you could witness our friend over there." Kit replied bluntly, making me roll my eyes in frustration as he points to Pha's direction.

"Quit whining and just observe those ladies over there, maybe it could distract you for a minute or two." Kit added as he points using his mouth to a certain direction. Turning my head at 3 o'clock, I notice a bunch of girls wearing their casual outfit, which are kinda revealing I admit, they started gawking at me as soon as I gaze at them.

They giggled as they wave at me, which I returned the favor and waved at them also, flashing my million dollar Casanova smile. Oho~ my little Kitty is right, these girls are good at distracting me. Glancing inside the room where our bestfriend is practicing, I notice that most of the Stars are suitable to my taste, they won't decline my offer if I ask them right? I smirk at my wild thoughts.

After waiting for hours and hours, they finally have their 30 minute break. Being the Casanova Prince that I am, while waiting for those scorching hours doing nothing, why not set an appointment to those girls and getting their numbers in return? *Smirks evilly*

"Ghad! Ai'Pha, your practice made me sick while waiting for you guys to finish!" I complain as soon as I saw him leave the place and went to our table.

"Stop complaining Beam. I don't think it made you sick since you've gotten all the numbers from all the girls out here." He riposte making me flabbergasted by his words.

"How did you know?" I ask sounding stupid as ever. Pha and Kit smirked at me.

"Like I haven't been observing you moving around here getting close, maybe flirting to those girls." Pha replied as he drinks his water, giving me a teasing look.

"Oops! I got caught." I said as I raise my hands in the air while sighing in defeat. Kit and Pha just chuckled at my silly action.

"By the way, I made some friends earlier. Just some other Moons from different faculties." Pha suddenly shared, making Kit and I proud parents, I mean friends, proud friends.

"Meh~ Ai'Pha finally have other friends besides us, getting soft are you? Not the cold guy anymore?" Kit teased as we high-fived each other and send teasing looks to our friend.

"I can't decline their kindness, they approached me first and they're cool too." Pha added making Kit and I shrug our shoulders. Yep, still cold, scratch the thought about him getting soft.

"Pha!" An unfamiliar voice called our friend, capturing our attention as 3 guys approach us with smiles on their faces.

"Nick. Done with your break?" Pha asks as the Nick guy nods his head. "By the way, these are my bestfriends. This is Kit, and this is Beam." Wow! So he still remembers us, what a good friend.

Kit and I stood up as we handshake Nick, next he introduces us to Toy, and after that, to Forth. I have to admit, these guys are good looking too, just like our bestfriend, especially Forth. Oho~ Pha finally have a good opponent for this competition aye?

Backing away and standing beside Pha, I unconsciously looked down and saw a red string directly at my line of sight. I raise my hand a little bit, and notice that string is mine, I followed the string to where my eyes will lead and it lead to.....

What the actual fuck?!!!! That means he's my soulmate?! The Fate has chosen for me?! The person I hoped to see for almost all my life?!

I glance again at my pinky, and trace the string, but it ends up on Forth's hand! I tried again and again but still ends up the same results!

"Ai'Beam, are you okay?" The worried voice of my friend Pha awaken me from the horror I'm currently experiencing. I look at them and saw everyone almost looking at me with a skeptic look on their faces.

"N-nothing." I muttered as I raise my hand once again, and look at Forth. Shit! It really is connected to him! There must be some mistake or something?!

"Is there anything wrong? You've been stealing glances at me every now and then." The low and husky voice caught me by surprise as Forth started talking.

I immediately realized my mistake and thought that they might have been creeped out by me. I cleared my throat and look at him squarely in the eye.

"No, nothing's wrong. I just saw something." I lied as I can feel my face heating up due to embarrassment. This cannot be happening!

"Ai'Pha, Ai'Kit. I'll be going first." I excused to my friends since I don't think I can contain more embarrassment from now on. Pha gave me a light pat as I nod at him.

I immediately ran away from the scene, escaping from the hell I was in earlier. Once I'm a little bit far from them, I shouted 'no~' as god knows where my legs could take me.

I don't mind the piercing looks the people are giving me since I have my own problem to deal with.

Stopping for a break since I'm out of breath, I noticed that I'm in the park near my school. I flop my ass down as I slowly shift my position and laid with my back, facing the clouds.

Hahhhhh~ I released an exhausted sigh. Why? Why? Why did the gods or the fate played with my feelings?! Why did they make my partner a man?! I mean, I don't have a problem if it's a cute man, but a muscular and obviously Seme type of man! That means I'll be the bottom! Never! I won't give in!!

Sighing another exhausted sigh, I grab my phone and dialed my cousin who can fix this problem. Once my call was answered, I told him everything that happened today and how I found my fated partner. He agreed to help me and we will meet tomorrow.

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