Chapter 7: Hints Here

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After getting a burdensome scolding of our father Pha, both of us gave our apologies to him, which he hesitantly accepted. It's seems that Forth told him about what happened earlier, that is why he immediately rushed to the clinic both to check and scold his two poor sons.

"Ai'Kit, you shouldn't do something like that again, okay? Act like your age. You too Beam." Our father Pha reminded, we both nod at him while looking down all the way to the clinic to the practice hall, contemplating once again on our mistakes.

"We're sorry." Both of us mumbled while reaching the practice hall. Unexpectedly, Pha sighs and pats our shoulders like a loving father would do. I'm glad I have a friend like him.

"It's okay, I'm used to all your shits by the way. Just don't do it again." Pha reminds for the nth time, I think. I take back what I said earlier, I'm not happy to be Pha's friend...........he gets shitty most of the time too.

"And here I thought you were becoming a loving father for the two of us." I tease and I point at Kit and I.

"Agree." The kitten beside me then nods his head and chuckles softly, earning a smack on the head by Pha. Wait, he smacked my head too. Sheeeeshhhh!

"I hate you, do you know that!" I said, he snickers and crosses his arms while his victims rub their heads, that includes me of course!

"Yeah right." He rolls his eyes and shakes his head then guides us inside the hall, where I saw people doing their own business, having their break time perhaps? I don't see them practicing either.

"Beam!" A person called my name which I immediately spotted standing in front of us.

"How's your head?" He asks as he comes closer to our group, I shyly smiled at him and reassure him that it doesn't hurt anymore.

"Well, that's good to know." He flashes a gentle smile at me which makes my heart....I don't know....skip a beat..? Nahh~ I'll just ignore that. He then turns his attention to Pha.

"Ai'Pha, Ging said that we'll have to practice the choreography for the introductory song after the break." He said, and we just look at him, quite confused.

"Wait, what are you talking about?" Kit asks and I patiently wait for their answers.

"Ouh. We have to dance to a song as a group for the intro before we introduce ourselves per faculty. I think the song is 'You You You' by เอิ๊ต ภัทรวี ft. Ammy The Bottom Blues. " He explains. Kit and I exchange glances and smirk to ourselves.
//I can't read nor write Thai ..but I think her name is Earth..?//

"So Ai'Pha here will have to dance eh? I wonder what will happen. I bet it will be a mess. Tsk tsk tsk." I cluck my tongue whilst putting my arm around his left shoulder, despite the height difference.

"Yeah, I wonder what will happen too. Maybe he'll embarrass himself, don't you think so Beam?" Kit then puts his arm on Pha's right shoulder. We both grin at each other as Pha shakes our arms off and glares at us.

"Stop! I know you guys are dickheads but no need to rub that in my face. Besides, I'm much better than you in almost any field except this one." He argues and Kit and I taunt him more.

"Oh yeah? Says the guy that can't even confess to his crush for how many years already? 4?" I laugh, Kit then adds fuel to the fire.

"Right! It is also the same guy that says he's contented in watching his crush from afar, but is dying inside to be close and hold that person." He then laughs, soon after, both our necks were dragged by Pha and he clash our foreheads, making us groan in pain. Imma murder this guy this instant!!

"Shut up you two!" He hissed then stormed off out of our sight.

*sighs* A sudden chuckle awaken us and halted our actions of soothing our aching foreheads. Shit! We totally forgot Forth is still here! Way to go Beam!

"You guys really like to taunt and tease each other huh?" He asks, amusement evident in his dark powerful, alluring and gorgeous eyes. Damn! Did I really mention all those?!

"Yeah, its normal for us Crazy Med Gang." Kit smiles afterwards, showing those cute but deep dimples of his.

"I figured." Forth stated while he shakes his head.

"Everyone please gather and take your seats now. We will start the practice in a minute." Ging's voice boomed inside the hall, making the Moon and Stars scurry to their respective seats.

"Well, I have to go. See you later then." Ai'Forth bid us goodbye and went back to their seats.

"🎵Oh I miss Yo~ Yo~ Yo~ What am I gonna do~ oh~ oh~ Oh I miss, Yo~ oh~ 🎵" Here I am, singing their song and changing the lyrics to taunt my friend who seems to be in cloud 1, since he's not in cloud 9. Just kidding.

When I heard the song, I immediately thought of N'Wayo, which we also call him Yo. That is why instead of 'Yous', I change to 'Yo' to basically tease our friend, but I didn't realize it's aftereffects on him. He has this glum face that seems to be longing for something, rather someone in particular.

"I miss him." He sighs then drinks his water afterwards. I just pat his shoulder and gave it a slight shrug. "Kit misses Ming too." I stated all of a sudden, earning a kick on my leg by the grumpy cub.

"Excuse me! I do not miss that idiotic jerk!" He huffs then ignores my complete existence for I don't know how long.

"Yeah whatever." I roll my eyes and started to ignore him too. "I'm hungry, should we go and eat some dinner?" I ask Pha which only nods and gather his things. Boy! We have been waiting for hours so it's no wonder that we're famished. As soon as we all are standing, Forth approached us with his signature gummy smile.

"Leaving already?" He asks.

"Yeah, were going to grab some dinner. Wanna join us?" Pha invites and I internally glare at him for some unknown reasons. Please say no-

"Nahh, I'll be going with my gang." He replied, which is something I'm grateful for, but why is there some uneasy feeling inside me..? Hmm~

"We'll be going then." Pha waves.

"Wait, can I have your number Beam?" Forth asks which surprised me.

"Huh? Me?" I point to myself. I know I'm being stupid but.... WHAT IS HAPPENING?!

"Yes you. Is there other person named Beam here?" He asks me back, chuckling a bit.

"Sheesh! I was just kidding." I mumbled then rub my neck then bites my lip while looking down.

"Here." He gives me his phone and I type my number before giving it back to him.

"Why do you need it anyway?" I ask because of the judging look my friends are giving me, especially those annoying grin plastered on their faces. I swear I'll smack these two later.

"Well, I already have both Kit and Pha's number, and I forgot to ask for your number before." He pauses and smiles. "Then, I won't stall you any further, see you on Monday." He then wave us goodbye and ran to his friends.

"Someone is blushing." Kit nudged my shoulder and I gave him a horrified look.

"I did not!" I denied, hooh! Why does it feel hot all of a sudden?

"I didn't mentioned who." Kit then blasted off alongside with Pha and left me all alone. I grumble some stuff and kick an imaginary rock before continuing my steps.

I was holding an imaginary knife with my left hand while tracking my friends down, but a sudden notification halted my steps.

'Hey. -Forth'

A smile then crept on my face. Can someone tell me what on earth is happening to me? Please?

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