Chapter 23: The Least Expected

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Okay okay. *sighs*

I am literally panicking right now!

For the nth time in history, I am once again panicking.


Because that jerk Ai'Forth decided to FORCE ME to bring him to MY DORM.

I did say no for a few times but he THREATENED ME, saying he will use his GODLY POWERS to control me.

I said, "Prove it", and he did prove it.

He made my body numb, including my mouth, for some fucking reason, then put me in the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on. Then he went to the driver's seat and drive his way to my dorm!

Fucking hell!

This is literally kidnapping! More or less adultnapping since I'm an adult already, but is it still considered as that when I had my eyes wide open?

I was busy cursing Forth in my head that I didn't even notice him parking the car in front my dorm.

"We're here." He states which cuts my list of thoughts. Forth snaps his fingers and the numbness leaves my body.

Before he can react, I immediately jump at him and grab a handful of his hair, swinging it back & forth, left & right.

"Damn you Ai'Forth you son of, who ever your parents are! I hate you!" I curse while tightly grabbing his hair due to frustration.

"Ai...Ai'Beam! Stop! It hurts!" Forth yells and I slowly stop, huffing afterwards. I retrieved my hands and saw some hairs on my palms.


"That fucking hurts!" Forth complains while tidying his hair.

"Serves you right asshole!" I curse as I practically ran out of the car and into the building.

I was already in the elevator when Forth magically appeared out of nowhere.

"The fuc-?"

"Don't start with me Beamie, I haven't forgiven you yet." He said before pressing the button to my floor.

"Who said I want your forgiveness?" I reply sassily, he glimpse at me then shakes his head.

As usual, there is awkward silence between us. I mean, being with him is always awkward. I wish there's some kind of conversation to lessen the awkwardness between us two.

Once we're already inside my room, I immediately go to my bed and lay on it, not caring if I have a guest or not.

I'm tired, can't blame me.

"Tempting...very tempting." I hear Forth mumble. I am practically laying like an eagle spreading its wings, while my butt is facing him.
I did not think of that!

I abruptly sit up straight and glare at him.

"Now that we're here, what do you want?" I ask irritatedly. Can't believe I'm here alone with a pervert. 😒

"Well, it's time to hear the rest of the story. Why I lied about my name and all." Forth flops down just beside me.

"It all started..." (flashback started)

"Wait- I can't see the flashbacks!" I cut his words.

"Just use your imagination then!" He hisses, I roll my eyes and nod.

"Like I said," Forth resumes. "it all started..."


Hundred centuries ago, when men still rely on the power of gods, a man became a good friend of a god.

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