Chapter 4: Why am I Here Again?

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That night, I murdered someone. His name is Pick, my older cousin.

Just kidding! ✌️ I just beat him up till he can't stand and ask for some kind of repayment, which he complied after asking for my mercy.

"You're so damn evil! Why the heck did you beat me up huh?! You punk!" P shouted at me while applying an ice pack on his injured face.

"That serves you right P'Pick! How could you trick me saying the string will connect me to another person!" I screamed at him in reply, anger boiling inside me once again.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" P'Pick transfers the ice pack on his left cheek. I sigh in frustration as I show him my pinky.

"You said the Red String of Fate will attach me to a different person, but how come I'm still attached to him?! I saw the string was cut, but after that, it's still him!" I whined out loud as I ruffle my hair frustratingly. I can see P's mouth was slightly agape.

"What the actual fuck?! That never happened to me, you're the first among all my customers!" He then toss his ice pack and hold my arm with both hands, staring at my pinky like it's another universe.

"What?!" I ask exasperated.

"That means, fate really decided that person to be your pair, forever and for eternity. Besides, you're the first person who wants to cut the Red String of Fate so...." P stated, earning a smack on his head. Serves you right!

"What the actual fuck P?! So you're saying I'm the first one to do that, and you're actually making an experiment?! On me?!" I shouted, while P'Pick is covering his ears.

"Oho~ it isn't like that at all!" He denied.

"Yeah?! Not like that at all my ass! P, you're so stupid!" I told him plainly, ignoring the harsh words I used.

"Shut up you little shit! Say that one more time and I swear I'll not help you this time!" He retorts, making me sigh in defeat.

"Fine! I don't want him P, cut it for me once again, please!" I pleaded, he send deathly glares at me before getting the magic scissors in his drawer. He cuts the string once again and showed it to me.

"It's done you shithead! Now get out of my room, I want to sleep!" P whines as I stick my tongue out, not saying my thanks and went out of the room.

I still have some unsettled feelings about this, but we'll have to see by tomorrow. If the string is reconnected by tomorrow, I'll have to wait and see what the fate will bring us. And because of this chaos, I haven't played or slept with any girl for 2-3 days, just because of him! I hate him! So much!

Stopping over at the 7/11 store near my dorm since I have to gather supplies for my snacks, I stumbled upon a couple outside the store, looking so sweet and all, makes you want to puke.

The girl was feeding his boyfriend, while the boy keeps on staring lovingly at the girl while eating what his girlfriend gives him. Bleh! These two aren't even meant to be! Each of them is already connected to their fated someone! Nothing last forever! You guys will just break up in the end! I mentally shouted while laughing as I go inside the store to buy what I needed.

Once I've gathered everything I needed, I went to the counter and queue patiently, while waiting for my turn. I was so enthralled by my phone that the voice of the person before me, made me freeze on the spot.

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