Chapter 18: Not Listening

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"Axel...." I whispered his name as tears stream down my face.

I-I don't understand. What's happening?

"'re...Axel?" I ask, my voice wavering as I can't seem to comprehend what is going on.

"Bee..." That name! He used to call me before. "Beam, I'm sorry." He tries to move forward but I just move backwards.

Why?! Why is this happening?

"Forth.....Axel....who ever you are. Tell me the truth, who the fuck are you?!" I yell, tears became unstoppable knowing I've been betrayed by the person whom I cherished the most in the past...and was about to cherish today onwards.

"Beam, calm down. I'll explain, just please calm down." Forth/Axel pleads sadly, I don't even know him anymore!

"Fine then! Let's hear your damn explanation!"

"Okay...just calm down." Forth/Axel seems distress, like hell I'm more distressed than him, I'm the one being afflicted! He rubs his nape, took a deep breath and look at me sternly.

"I'm sorry Beam, I was left with no choice, I had to do it." He started which eventually end up with me being more frustrated in him.

"So what?! You erased my memory and told my family to act like nothing happened?!" I sneer, balling my hands ready to punch him.

"It's for your safety!"

"Bullshit Axel! You're the one who didn't show up for a week! I went looking for you but you were gone, and then you came all-of-a-sudden and erased my memory! With you in it! That's the reason why I feel empty because someone, who should be filling it, erased my memory!" I shout at him, not minding the tears that are coming out even if it can make a river.

"Beam, I'm really sorry." He tried stepping forward but I just move backwards, ready to run.

"Your explanation is shit!" I say then turn around stomping my feet due to frustration and pent up anger. I was almost near the exit when I was embraced by someone, his head on my shoulder and arms completely constricting my movements.

"Beam, please don't leave. I know I hurt you so much to the point where you want to kill me right now, but I had every reason to. I was protecting you. Beam, please, don't walk away." Forth/Axel pleads with a broken voice and tears dampening my shirt.

I slowly turn around, at least he allowed me to, I gave him a stoic look and forcefully remove his arms and head from my body.

"I don't think I'm willing to trust you again, Forth or Axel, whoever you are. I was deeply hurt. Seeing you again is...... painful for me." I utter whilst looking down. Taking a deep breath and looking at him, "I think meeting you again is not the best for me", I added. His breath hitched as he looked at me eyes filled with agony.

I run away from him, away from my feelings, and as much as possible, away from the world. I only know a person who can help me forget pain, and I'll gladly go to him. Hopping inside my car, and sending a text to my friends saying 'I can't come cause I have things to do and you don't have to worry', I blasted to the only place where that person is.

After 4 fucking hours of driving, I have finally calmed down. I can now think rationally and control my emotions better. Plus, the wind from this side of the country never fails to soothe me.

Yes, you guys are right! I'm going to the countryside where I can be detached from my problems even though it's temporary. I had turned off my phone after giving the message to my friends and use a spell, someone told me, to hide myself from strings. You didn't forget about the strings did you? Especially the red strings, they are dangerous!

Another 10 minutes of driving and I finally arrived at the location. It's somehow in the middle of a forrest where there is a lake, and a school not far away. The city is not too big but not too small either, just adequate, but they sell the best pastries in my opinion.

I park my car somewhere and get off, tidying myself to look presentable because I'm an uninvited guest. Moving closer to the front porch, I ring the doorbell and took a deep breath, not forgetting to smile also.

"I wonder who...." The person opened the door and was utterly shocked to see me. I open my arms and he advances towards me.

"Oh my gosh! Beam! It's you! Oh my gosh! What are you doing here?" He asks suddenly being hyper.

"Sorry Love, I had to get things off my chest....and I finally remembered you~" I coo but he fell silent.

"Well, come inside." He ushered as he closes the door once I was comfortably seated.

The person just know, his name is Love. Yes, Love. Weird right? But his name suits him, he's lovable and lovely. Love is just a few months older than me and he's my secret cousin. Why a secret? You'll find out soon.

"So you remembered. What happened?" He asks as he offers me dinner, which I forgot. I accept the plate and start filling it with food.

"Long story short. I met someone, turns out he's that jerk Axel. He did something to make me retrieve my forgotten memories." I reply as I stuff my mouth with food. Damn I'm so hungry! I didn't even notice that while driving.

"Mmmm~ so I assume you ran and didn't hear his explanation?" He asks and that made the chicken in my hands drop.

"WHAT?! You knew?! You didn't even tell me?!" I am in hysterics!

"Yes and no. I did not know not until you lost your memories and even forget about me! Axel came to me himself and explained." Now that makes me feel bad.

"I'm sorry." I apologize whilst silently eating. Love moves forward and sit in front of me.

"Now, tell me. Why are you here?" He asks me suspiciously.

"I want to ask you for some potion to reduce the pain I'm feeling." I tell him honestly. He sighs and pats my back.

"Beam, there's no medicine or potion that can heal a broken heart."

"I...just...want to alleviate the least." I mumble, he sighs once again before grabbing something inside the kitchen cabinet.

"Here." Love hands me something. "This can help...somehow." It's a greenish liquid inside a small bottle.


"Wanna talk about it?" He asks tone filled with concern.

"Maybe next time, I'm sleepy."

"Fine~ I'll prepare the bed upstairs."

"Thank you Love, you're the best." He just click his tongue and went upstairs.

Unexpectedly, I had a good night sleep. Maybe because there is a barrier surrounding this house or the potion was effective, but I'm not complaining, I'm actually grateful.

Stretching myself while going down the stairs, I can't help but notice that the completely quiet. I tried calling for Love but no response was heard. Reaching the dining table, I saw a note saying, 'I'll be out to buy ingredients. Behave yourself okay? -Love'.

I walk outside to get some fresh air, but the first thing I saw is someone standing just outside the front porch.

Oh hell no!

"Why the hell are you here?!" I ask coldly. 

A/N: Guessing game begins! The person who can get the correct answer, or close to it, will be mentioned in the next chapter with a special scene with our characters 😂

1.) So, who or what is Forth?

2.) Who was standing outside the front porch?

3.) What is Love's true identity?

Good luck na~

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