Chapter 14: Journey to the Unknown

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Long chapter ahead......there are 2 parts


So far, everything is according to plan.

I lured the organizers to held our photoshoot here, cause one of the head organizers is quite a close 'friend' of mine. Part of my plan is to share a tent with Beam, which is already done..... another is to learn more about him.

Anyway, you might think that I'm some type of obsessed-stalker of Beam, but I assure you, I'm not....or am I?

Just kidding! I just want to know more about him. You can say he intrigues me in so many different ways. He's just really alluring you know?!

Moving on, part of our stay here is to experience bonfire. Some of the students also brought marshmallows, biscuits, chocolates and some other snacks that I believe are the ingredients for s'mores. Thinking about it makes me excited, I have not eaten s'mores in years!

I also heard from Ai'Pha that Beam liked camping before, when they were kids. He changed when he became a player and got busy with his 'night life' with his hoes.

Not to sound rude, but Beam is clueless...almost about everything. Well, can't blame him though, he doesn't know me well enough.

"Ai'Forth!" I look around searching for the person who called my name and spotted the Moon of Arts waving at me, and of course, I wave back at him while walking closer.

"Sup?" I casually ask him since we're somehow close. He just shrug at me while giving a smile.

"I just saw you roaming alone, you seem to be in a deep thought tho. What are you thinking?"

"You already know who." I just smirk at him, and a goofy smile is now evident on his face.

"Ahhh~ it's been weeks now and still no answer? How pathetic you are." He smugly replied, I roll my eyes in return.

"Why? Think you can do better?" I challenge him, and of course, he just shakes his head.

"Nahh~ don't have the courage to talk to Beam in the first place you know? He's like Snow White in a man's body." A smack was then received on his head after saying those words.

"Idiot." I uttered while laughing.

"Anyway, I have some place to go. See you later Forth." He said whilst trotting away and waving his hand.

Night time came so fast. People started a big bonfire in the middle and we were all requested to gather around it.

I was 3 seats apart from Beam, he's with his friends as usual, while I'm with mine. He seems to be having a lot of fun goofing and teasing people around. That action made me smile unknowingly, he's a lovely person actually.

We were busy chatting and minding our own business when a person started telling us an interesting story, something I'm really familiar with, and with that, everyone was captivated and started listening to him.

"So guys, my grandparents live not far away from here." He started. "They said, that this place is blessed and guarded by one of the deities or gods. One day, this place was almost destroyed by a tragic war, but luckily, the God killed the enemies by surrounding them with fire. Everyone in that place was also panicking thinking that they would get killed by the fire too, but the fire does not have any effect on them, only the enemies."

"Psssh! That's not true!" Someone shouted from afar. Everyone looked at him unamused and ushered him to shut up.

"Depends on you if you want to believe it or not. It's actually a famous story in my grandparents' village and everyone knows about it. The interesting part is, that deity, fell in love in with a human. They had a child and live happily together." He continued.

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