The door opens, giving a full view of the 30 years old professor. Professor Madie smiled at him, "Mr. Pines! So nice to see you!" She chirped.

Dipper smiled, "nice to see you too, ma'am." He handed out the papers and Professor Madie made a grateful sigh.

"Oh, thank God! I was waiting for these!" She looks at Dipper, still looking exhausted, "would you like a hot cocoa inside?" She asked, lips curling.

Dipper knew better than to get involved with her. "I have to pass, Professor. I still have some things to do." He lied.

Without even waiting for her reply, he dashed out the hallway and went down the stairs, thinking, if he should let himself roll down with the gravity instead of running down.

But it looks like hospital wasn't worth it and kept running.

He kept running until he finds himself in front of the cafe.

Dipper sweat dropped, "I ran.." He can feel the exhaustion peeking through his legs.

Before he even collapse, he went inside, shivering and in need of coffee.

As usual, doing his job, Bill was the first to see Dipper in such state. He almost let go of the cup of coffee when he saw Dipper kneels on the floor, looking like death. The brunet smiles, age catching up to him, "I feel so old..." With that he lays at the hard yet warm wooden floor.

"Pine Tree!" Bill left the steaming cup and ran next to Dipper, breathing heavily against the floor. He kept muttering about not doing enough exercise or how he hates getting too distracted in day dreaming.

He pokes his lover, "Pine Tree, stand up, Melly will kill me if she saw you blocking the door." He said.

Dipper faced him, "I ran, Bill." He winced when he moves his leg, "I ran for 2 miles, in my Vans, tight pants and turtleneck sweater and parka. With my backpack heavy as fuck because of the papers, and my laptop." He looks at Bill like he saw his greatest nightmare.

Bill tilts his head, "that's not much?"

"Easy for you to say! You work out!" Dipper said, groaning.

He knew about this when one time Bill took a quick shower at his place and well, let's just say that Bill forgot to bring extra clothes and is forced to wear his yesterday's briefs and Dipper's sweatpants. Yes, Bill was topless for like 5 hours. And Dipper was tortured in those hours, couldn't keep his eyes from those abs and biceps.

Bill rolled his eyes and did what Dipper didn't expect him to do. The blond carried him like a bride, earning him a high pitched shriek from Dipper, who's blushing red and sweaty, "holy fuck-- Bill Cipher-- you idiot, let go of me!" He shouts, earning glances from the other customers.

Which Bill didn't like, he glares at the customers and they quickly looked away from them, valuing their life most. He carried the blushing person at the employee's room and carefully placed him on the new sofa of the break room, thanks to Maxon and Jonas on donating the sofa!

Dipper squeaks as he felt the smooth leather of the sofa, "oh my god--" He gasped, calming himself.

Bill only smiles, "would you like a latte for your stay?" He suggested, eyeing him carefully.

Dipper pouted and pressed his foot on Bill's arm, "an espresso, I want to pull an all nighter." He keeps poking him with his foot. His shoes at the floor.

"Again?" Bill raised an eyebrow, "didn't you just sleep like 2 hours last night?" He asked.

Dipper only shrugs. To be exact, he only got 1 and 24 minutes of sleep last night. He didn't even ate properly last night, he was only running in caffeine and burnt toasts.

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