Chapter 22

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"Baby! Your bitch ass baby mama threw me out the shop!"

"Why were you there in the first place Lexi? You think that you were going to be welcomed with open fucking arms? Bruh we crossed the fucking line. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with me? As far as you go, you need to chill. We can't continue to hurt people we love. I know I am probably dead to Willow by now. I just want to continue to be in my child's life. I take care of my responsibilities as a man. These years has given me time to grow. I know I have to make shit right with my brother and it will probably take my whole life and Willow probably will forgive me but i have to make this up to my daughter. It's time to make things right for good. In order for me to do that, I have to leave you alone."

Lexi walks over to me and slaps me, "Leave me alone?! Are you crazy?"

"No! I am perfectly sane. I just was crazy to be fucking my brothers wife."

"Well since you think you are so crazy, You dont have two children and one on the way. You have three and one on the way. How about that!"

I look at her confused as she storms off. I follow her, "What the fuck do you mean Willow?"

She looks at me and hits me again, "Did you just call me that bitch's name?! Are you kidding me Alex. How about we do a DNA test for our daughter. I will leave and you can have this shit."

"Sounds good to me."

Lexi goes to pack her things.

"I can't believe I thought this could work. I can't believe I messed up everything with my husband for you! You ain't shit! I really fucked up my life for this!"

"Damn! Nobody told you to fuck me Lexi. Nobody told you to use me! You came into my room that night with an agenda. You threatened to blackmail me if i didnt continue with you. I never wanted to fuck you! I was drunk and I didnt even know it was you. You admit that you planned this shit! Now you want to blame it on me when i was just trying to protect my family from your trifling ass! You're the one who ain't shit! You're the one who's the hoe! Get your ragedy ass out my shit!"

"Fuck you Alex! Yeah I knew what i wanted! I was tired of living like i was. I came from nothing! I had nobody! So i set my eyes on you but ended up with your no good ass fuck boy ass brother. I stayed because of ties t he had to you but i never took my eyes off of you. That night when you were in the club, i pulled the same shit  Jennifer's ass pulled but better."

I pull out my phone and record the conversation.

"I saw an opportunity. I was at home waiting on your fake ass brother to come over and his cheating ass never showed up. My friends told me you were there at the strip club. No one knew i worked there but my girls from the club. So I went and got changed into my contacts and wig. You never even recognized me or my voice. I got you to pay for the private dance and more. My home girls recorded everything. I put some real shit in your drink with your bitch ass. You got tricked. You haven't been nothing but my trick since then. Oh and the first time I got pregnant, that was yours and the next three times after that. I was gonna use those damn babies to get more money. Do you know how much money I actually have stashed away? I don't need neither one of y'all and Willow was a pun in this whole scheme. I befriended her to only get more shit over your head. I could've knocked her ass off a long time ago. I played her and you. I just let her think I was her 'sis'"

I look at her with a devilish grin, "You done now?"

"Yeah I am done! Fuck all of y'all."

She grabs her suitcase and leaves.

I send the video to Willow and to Ashton.

Love Is Enough (BBW / Curvy) Finaleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें