Chapter 6

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"Okay everyone. Let's head to the dining area please."

Everyone gets up and goes into the dining area while G stand there with his arms wrapped around me.

"What's wrong G?"

"Nothing. You are so perfect. I love you Low and I always will. I thank you for treating Ari as if she is your own and allowing us both into your life on a deeper level."

He hugs me tighter.

"You are so special to me Low. Just know that I know what you have been through. Throughout your whole life, I have been there and no matter what, i will always be there."

"I love you G."

"I love you more Low."

We walk into the dining room. Im starting to think about giving Alex another chance. Is it really worth it? He hurt me and yet G loves me through every piece of pain I have been through. Just then his parents walk in and joins us.

"Hey Pastor and First Lady."

I hug them both and they hug everyone. We all finish eating and Gerald and I stand to make the announcement.

"Okay so as you know, Willow and I are dating. I have gained full custody of Ari and I have decided to ask Willow to be Ari's Adopted mother."

The girls get excited and everyone smiles.

"I also have something to ask WIllow."

"I look at him with confusion."

"I know we said we are just dating but I love you too much to just date you Willow

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"I know we said we are just dating but I love you too much to just date you Willow. I am in love with you. So in front of everyone, will you be my girlfriend officially?"

"Oh my God G! This is so beautiful. Yes I will.Friends first?"

"Friends first."

Everyone congratulates us and I sign the adoption papers. Fuck Alex hell this man loves me and for some reason it's pure and real. Friends first.

As everyone is leaving I walk over to Ari and Lexa.

"Hey babygirl's."

They both hug me and smile.

"Hey mommy."

"So Ari I have a surprise for you."

"Really? mommy?"

"Yes come upstairs."

I open the door.

I open the door

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"Thank you mommy!"

Her and Lexa runs and jumps on the bed.

"Hey get down from there  before you hurt yourself."

"Yes ma'am."

"I have some jammies in the drawer for you Ari. Lexa go get dressed for bed. I have another surprise for you guys in the morning."

"Yes ma'am."

I go into the room with G and find him knocked out on the bed. I get into the shower and change into some of my favorite pj's.

 I get into the shower and change into some of my favorite pj's

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I snuggle into bed next to him.

"So you look cute in your jammies."

"Really G?"

We both laugh.

"Well, I put them on just for you sexy."

We cuddle and talk all night until we fall asleep.



"So you mean to tell me, y'all didn't have sex?"

"NO Jen! We didn't have sex. Not everything is about sex. I am taking it slow with him this time."

"Ugh! I guess. I just really like him for you. I mean I have done some digging and your boy is squeaky clean."

"Uh yeah! Duh! That's my bestfriend so I know him Jen."

"I am just saying Low, you can never be to sure."

Love Is Enough (BBW / Curvy) FinaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora