Order of the Phoenix | Year 1 Part 31

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I know it has been incredibly long since I updated, and I said I was going to try to do it ASAP. I feel like such a piece of crap tbh. But, I'm finally done with high school and my college orientation and everything. So, hopefully with the summer here, I will be able to update more frequently.

(I also wrote this in one day and I tried to go over it to fix any mistakes, but I probably didn't catch everything, so my apologies!)

"Hermione said someones been watching though, to see if she's one of them!"

Although there were a few snow storms in between, the days began to grow warmer, as did the hours of daylight. The sun seemed to awaken more and more as March approached, along with the spirits of Hogwarts students. It was a particularly cold Friday afternoon though, and (y/n)s dorm was not any different. She scolded herself for not being in Hufflepuff, down in the basements, or even Gryffindor, who's tower wasn't nearly as high in the air. The wind blew ferociously outside, and the heater in the center of their room could only do so much.

Each of the girls found themselves bundled in sweaters, wrapped in their duvets, huddled around the metal frame surrounding the furnace. Cho even had a knitted hat on, one she had gotten for Christmas. Luna had her glasses on, reading her fathers magazine, The Quibbler, sometimes talking about one of the articles. (y/n) was in the middle of begging Maddie to tell them all who she liked.

"Please, its been so long! You must really like him." (y/n) pleaded, leaning in close to her.

"Nope, not until I know he likes me, too." She said as seriously as she could, but she still giggled.

"Come on! You want to, I can tell!" She pushed on Maddie shoulder.

"I just-" Maddie faltered, looking down at her folded legs "I don't want you to be upset with me."

Cho looked on curiously at their conversation, and even Luna showed some interest.

"Maddie," (Y/n) chuckled, "How could I be mad at you, look at who I'm dating."

"Yeah, well-" she kept her head bowed.

"Hey," (y/n) said in a different, more motherly tone, "You know me, us." she motioned to Cho and Luna "We'll never be mad over something as stupid as a crush, or whatever this is you've got."

Neither of the two spoke for a minute, but Maddie did pick her head up. Her eyes were glassy, but not lost. They just lingered on (y/n)s, like an embarrassed child.

Maddie sighed deeply, smiling sadly "I just don't want you to think its because, because I want to be like you and Draco or anything. Its just, I never looked at him until you and Draco happened, but once I did, I realized," she paused, "I actually always liked him."

(Y/n) decided not to ask who, letting her do it by herself.

"It's Zabini," she muttered, not looking into (y/n)s eyes.

She wasn't all too surprised, and wasn't sure why Maddie was so nervous. All that (y/n) felt was the giddiness that came with learning a friends teenage crush.

(y/n) giggled, "Maddie, what are we going to do with you?"

Her head shot up and she looked towards (y/n) completely shocked "What?"

(y/n) chuckled again and Cho shook her head, "Why would I be mad? Come on! I have the inside scoop, remember? If you want to go out with Blaise, I can make that happen, silly." (y/n) laughed, hitting Maddie's shoulders.

Her friend still looked a bit confused, but a smile soon spread across her face "Really? You would do that?"

"Duh." (y/n) rolled her eyes and spread her palms out towards to heater, rubbing them together.

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