Order of the Phoenix | Year 1 Part 20

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*I know I said I was working on this part a million years ago, but a lot has happened. Basically, theres been people in and out of the hospital, and I got into a lil tiny car crash, so its been crazy. But, here I am. I hope you all haven't given up on me. I love you to pieces!*

"And, in this moment, her heart filled with the bliss of togetherness and the fierceness of friends."

Christmas Eve was finally here and there was a sort of joyful buzz flowing through the air. Dominique and Sal were especially rambunctious this day. Dominique was usually quite content with herself, rarely running around causing trouble. She was just like a small little mouse. But, not today she wasn't. 

Her and her twin came knocking on (y/n)s bedroom door just as the sun came up. She groaned and told them to come in, but didn't open her eyes. They begged for her to wake up and play exploding snap with them, but she refused. Then, after giving up on their cousin, went down to their other cousin, Doug, who was sleeping on the sofa in the library. 

"Dougie!" Sal shouted, surprising Doug and causing him to nearly fall from his makeshift bed.

"What?" He said, clearly annoyed that they had awoken him from a peaceful slumber.

"Play exploding snap with us?" Dominique said in her high, childish voice.

"Not right now," he moaned, pushing his face into his pillow.

"Please?" Dominique said, this time quieter and even sweeter.

"No." Doug said harshly, pulling his blanket over his head and rolling so his back was facing the two children. 

They finally left the others of the house alone, and decided to play on their own. It was almost as they forgot exploding snap was a two person game, anyhow.

Around eight-thirty is when Mr.(l/n) woke, and then woke his wife. He made a pot of tea and she began to soft boil some eggs and fry toast. The smell of the fresh eggs cooking and the tea brewing drew Aunt Pan, Uncle Magnus and Cassie up. 

By nine, everyone was up and either in the study or the kitchen, with the exception of (y/n). She was up, though, just tucked away in her bedroom. She was sitting on her bed, reading a particularly strange article in the Daily Prophet. It was titled HARRY POTTER, SAVIOR OR ENEMY? She skimmed the words at about a mile a minute. In gist, it told how last years Tri Wizard Tournament disaster was poorly recorded, and this was to be the fault of Dumbledore, and not the Ministry. They have no concrete evidence of Harrys Claims, except for Diggorys body. Could Dumbledore have purposefully taken down poor accounts of last years incident as to discredit anyone who goes against Harrys claims? And, if so, is this an attempt to take Fudges position as Minister? 

She scoffed, tossing the paper to her right over on her bed. How could they talk in such a way about Dumbledore. Even though she did not know much of anything about Dumbledore or Hogwarts before she started attending his school, (y/n) made it a point to learn while she was here. (y/n) knew Dumbledore had no desire to be the Minister, for he has turned that very job down a number of times. Furthermore, Dumbledore is the smartest and most capable wizard of his time,  and one of the best in history. He would never preach something that was unwise or untrue, it is simply not in his character. If Dumbledore trusts and believes Harry, than so should everyone else. Of course, she would never say these things to her boyfriend. Sadly, he did not share the same high view of the Headmaster as she. What a shame, really, she thought. I would love to have a man like him as my ally, and me as his. 

"(y/n)! Come on down to breakfast, I know you're up!" Doug shouted from the bottom of the stairs.

(Y/n) gathered herself, before walking down the hallway and looking down at her cousin. His big, brown hair was messier than usual, as it was every morning. He was wearing a deep red Dumstrange tee-shirt that was heavily faded, and loose jeans.

The Raven and the Dragon (Abandoned)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant