Order of the Phoenix | Year 1 Part 28

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*Okay so there like one swear word here.  Also, I already broke my promise.  I'm awful, I'm sorry!*

"Bubbles floated up in her stomach and she could feel her heart beating faster and faster."

After the girls got back to their dorm, (y/n) sat on Cho's bed and waited patiently for her to speak.  Maddie leisurely wondered out loud where Luna was, and Cho stood in front of (y/n) with her hands on her hips.

"Eager, are we?"  Cho chuckled, staring at (y/n)s twiddling thumbs.

"Come on! Tell me," she whined, lying down wth her feet dangling off the side.  Cho sat down next to her.

"Okay, I will, but you have to promise me something."  

(Y/n) looked up at her, a mischievous glint in her eye "What?"

"You won't tell a soul." 

"Not anyone,"  Maddie said, walking over to her dresser and pulling out a pair of sweatpants.

"Including Draco," Cho added, her eyes looking deeply into (y/n)s.

"Especially Draco," Maddie added with a chuckle.

"Fine, I won't," (y/n) sighed, "Not like I was planning to."

"I'm making a potion," Cho said.

(Y/n) looked at her, an annoyed expression on her face. "I figured as much."

"Yes, but this is an especially difficult one, it's important.  I can't mess it up, either."  Cho's voice was serious, and her face was turned low.

"Which is it?" (y/n) asked.

"The Elixir of Treason, it tells you who is loyal and who can't be trusted,"  Cho explained.

(Y/n) sat up and looked at Cho strangely "Is it for me?"  She chuckled.

"Not hardly," Maddie laughed to herself, "its for-"  She stopped herself before she went on.  

(y/n) looked between her and Cho, her facing growing hard with anger.  

"Cho, Maddie, if you don't tell me what you all are doing right this instant-"  (y/n) growled.

"It's for Harry!"  Cho exclaimed, her eyes rolling and arms flying up into the air.

"Potter?" (y/n) asked.

Maddie scoffed, "The one and only."  Her voice almost mocked Cho's face.

"You want to see if Harry can be trusted?"  (y/n) questioned, now much more confused than when she had known nothing.  Cho shook her head and Maddie giggled at (y/n).

"No, she's making it for him,"  Maddie explained as she got undressed, near lying falling over putting o her pants.  (y/n) laughed at her, and Maddie shot her a dirty looked.  Cho sighed at them.

"Why would he need it?"  (y/n) asked, once she stopped laughing.

"Think about it, a bunch of people think he's a liar.  Some want him to leave school, even."  Cho said.

"Wouldn't you want to know who was on your side?"  Maddie said.

(Y/n) shrugged "He can count on everyone in Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.  Thats ought to be enough."

Maddie gasped, "And Ravenclaw?"  

(y/n) rolled her eyes "I'm in Ravenclaw, and Harry sure as hell doesn't trust me."

"Can't blame him, though."  Maddie said, and (y/n) nodded.

"Believe me, I don't.  Me and Hermione haven't really spoken since before break, and I think thats Harry and Ron's doing."

The Raven and the Dragon (Abandoned)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora