Order of the Phoenix | Year 1 Part 9

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"...they trusted one another not to pull away, so they didn't have to hold on tightly." 

It was the Wednesday after the Hogsmeade trip. (y/n) had seen Draco on Monday during breakfast. He kissed her on the cheek before he went in, and while she was leaving just outside the doors in the large entrance hall. Then again during potions and divination, were they chatted a bit. The same happened at dinner and on Tuesday. Draco had little time to chase because of a long arithmancy essay to write and (y/n) was doing extra work for Trelawney in hopes for acing her mid term exam. 

Lucky, though, they both found themselves with little to do after classes on Wednesday. (y/N), like always, went to the Ravenclaw common room after class to put her books away next to her four post bed and take off her cloak, marked with the Ravenclaw crest. She was a bit warm today, because she wore her long sweater instead of her vest over her cleanly pressed cream blouse. She then tied her hair up in a loose ponytail, wondering what to do with her evening. As she thought, Cho ran in, tossing her books haphazardly on her bed and rummaging through her bedside table. 

"In a hurry, are we?" (y/n) laughed.

"Uh, tell me about it!" She sighed, finally looking at (y/n) "I have to help Harry." she said as an afterthought, gasping a bit at the end like she sound that said it. (y/n) decided it was best not to pry, especially since she knew Cho had a thing for him. She didn't want to make her more nervous. 

"Well, have fun." (y/n) said, ploping on her bed.

"Huh-" she sighed again, "ill try." Then, she was gone out of their room. (Y/n) soon sat up, restless of just laying there.She decided to go to the common room and see if anyone was there. Surprisingly, as she walked down the girls dormitories stairs, she didn't hear the slight murmur the space usually held. She peeked around the corner, partially blocked by the life sized statue. No one was in there, not a soul to be seen. 

(Y/n) thought this was extremely strange, especially since Luna resides in the common room before and after dinner every night. Was something happening she didn't know about? The only sound was the crackling of the fire and from the radio. She walked over to it, turning the volume dial. The voice of Fudge, the Minister of Magic in Britain, rang out. He was saying something about You-Know-Who and how he certainly wasn't back or anywhere near Hogwarts. She scoffed at this, knowing it was all rubbish. She believed Harry, as did her father and Mother. Her mother never spoke of it, though, in fear that word would spread at the Ministry and she would loose her job. However, her father had not such obligation. She turned the radio off, sick of hearing the foulness which spewed out of it. 

 She exited the tower, walking down the corridors, past many empty classrooms, often filled with students studying in their free time after class. The professors were there, however, sitting at the desks in the front, and the torches were lit. Clearly, everyone was expecting students. Even Hermione wasn't there, the one who was almost always doing her schoolwork. Then, (y/n) wondered were Draco might be. She quickly assumed her was in his common room, but then again, was his as empty as hers was? Its not like she could check, could she? 

For she had nothing to do anyway, (y/n) turned back to go to the Grand Staircase and go into the dungeons. Maybe she would walk past the common room and few times to see if anyone came in or out. She was secretly happy she knew where they were, because not many of the other houses knew exactly were each of the other entrances were. Slytherin and Hufflepuff were the most secret, for not many wandered about the dungeons to see people go in and out. Almost everyone had a vague idea of were Ravenclaws was though, because you could see the tower so clearly form outside the castle, and were Gryffindor was, because they notoriously snuck other houses into the common room for parties. 

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