Order of the Phoenix | Year 1 Part 11

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"I have the strong urge to scream at the top of my lungs, but also to stay quiet forever."

(Y/n) had only been to her new house once before. She had slept there the night before she had to leave for Hogwarts, when only a few pieces of furniture were set. All she knew about it was it was outside of London, embedded in the countryside, much like her old house. She hadn't had the chance to explore yet and she longed to walk around the grounds. From what she saw the last time she was there, the yard was well groomed, but many shaped bushes and flowers growing beside the paths. The surrounding area was covered in a thick wood of aspen and great yews. She would have time to do that, though, after some much needed rest.

"There it is!" Her mother pointed out the window at a large stone house, covered a sheet of fresh snow. The roof was many gables, more than she was able to count. The house was a sort of "T" shape, with a large round room at one end. Giant trees surrounded the sides with a long cobblestone path leading to an old road. Behind was a garden, large trimmed bushes forming circles and paths. She remembered the front door being large, rounded at the top and painted white.

They pulled down onto the path, stopping in front of the house. This time, (y/n) noticed, the flowering bushes and plants were all dead, barley visible from under the white. "Hey," (y/n) said, "You painted the door." The front door now was a flaming red, with a large door knocker in the center. There was also, which strangely she hadn't noticed before, two statues beside the steps. To the left, was the Goddess Hebe, and the right was the Goddess Nike. 

"Yes, don't you like it?" Her Mother asked. (y/n) shrugged, knowing there was no use telling her different, she was too stubborn.

"Did you add those?" (y/n) pointed to the statues.

"Yes, well, they were gifted to us." Her mother answered.

"By who?" (y/n)s curiosity bubbled in excitement.

"I'm not sure, someone your father works with. I've forgotten his name." (y/n) arched her brow, but decided to let it go for now. She liked them after all, for she knew much about mythology, due to her grandfather. When he was alive, he would tell her stories of roman and greek origin by the fire. He had lived in Rome for a while after school and picked up a lot of the oral history. 

"You go inside, i'll bring her trunk." Her father offered. (m/n) and (y/n) walked inside, leaving her father to take the heavy case from the trunk and lug it into the house. 

As (y/n) walked in, she could feel the familiar warmth of home flood her. Candles on the walls where lit, like they always were, and the same patterned rug was in the hall covering a marble floor. A large dark colored staircase curved into the foyer with a stone mantle.  To the right, a tapestry hung, depicting  an apple tree with a fox at the base, all surround by golden trimming. The right held two portraits, one of Sir Almerique and one of Samantha Bishop. The room smelled of pinewood and peppermint. 

"Hello, (y/n), welcome home." Samantha said. 

Samantha was a particularly social portrait, much like the model. She was born in 1690, right before the Witch Trials. Her parents were shunned by her fathers family, because he didn't marry a pureblood. Samanthas father was a (l/n), and because each of his siblings married pureblood, was the only one to not carry on the status. They were on the run for many years and were almost persecuted. When Samantha was fourteen, she sacrificed herself in a battle to save not only her parents, but a group of others in hiding with them. She is not known to many as a hero, because her story has only been passed down through her family, never written into a history book or taught in schools.

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