Order of the Phoenix| Year 1 Part 26

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"She hoped, in a selfish, vengeful flash of emotion, that he was feeling all the shame humanly possible."

After the break, the days seemed to go by slowly and uneventfully for (y/n).  Draco was often off doing inquisitorial Squad duties after classes, and Cho was helping Maddie and Luna on a project for herbology, which was not (y/n)s strong suit.  So, after divination, Draco would chat with (y/n) all the way to the Ravenclaw tower, and then he would go off on his "patrol".   Cho, Maddie and Luna would head straight off to the greenhouses after classes, leaving her alone.  

One day, when (y/n) was in the library studying, she noticed Crabbe and Goyle standing in front of a Gryffindor year, who (y/n) recognized from her classes.

"Think I'm scared of either of you?" She scoffed, her hands on her hips and head held high.

Crabbe laughed and copied her stance, "You should be." he said with his deep, frog like voice. 

Goyle then leaned forward, towering over her, but she did not seem nervous.  Her head remained high and unaffected by their attempted intimidation.  (y/n) stood and walked slowly towards them.  When she was about a couple yards away, the girl pulled her wand out and held it against Goyle's neck, but Crabbe was just as quick, doing the same to her.  She glared at him with eyes of fire and rage.

(y/n) advanced quickly, shouting "Hey,"  She knocked Crabbes hand away and shoved her way between them, and looked at the two boys with a hard face. "What the hell are you two doing?" 

Goyle stuttered a bit, "(y/n)-"

"Is this what the Inquisitorial Squad does?  If so, me and Draco are due for a chat."  She turned to the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder and began to guide her away.  She looked back at the two again "I could've hexed you both for that, I'm sure Dumbledore would have understood."

After the two girls had left the library, the Gryffindor relaxed her shoulders and sighed.

"Sorry, I know you probably had it under control, its just those are Draco's friends, I couldn't let them-" before she could explain, the girl wrapped her arms around (y/n)s neck and hugged her.

"Thank you." she mumbled into her robes.

(y/n) hugged her back "Of course," she chuckled a bit, "I'm (y/n)."

The girl pulled away, smiling and reaching for (y/n)s hand "Fay," she stood back and collected herself "You're friends with Hermione."

"Yeah, a bit."  (y/n) shrugged.

"I'm her dorm mate."  She smiled again.

"You're a chaser, too." (y/n) had remembered seeing her during a match.

"Yeah," she paused and looked around "Would you like to come play gobstones with me and a few friends? We need another to make it even."

For the first time in a while, (y/n) felt like life was looking up for her.  So, she said yes, and the two walked together to meet her two other friends in the courtyard.  There was a boy, Craig, who had light red hair and hazel eyes.  The other was Kellah, who was very dark skinned with long, braided hair.

"Guys, this is (y/n).  She saved me from Goyle."  She said his name sickly, and the two smiled at her.

"I'm Craig." A boy with red hair and large hazel eyes said.  She noticed he was also a Hufflepuff.  

The girl next to him waved and said her same so low (y/n) barley heard, "Kellah." 

They all sat down on the stone ground and began to play.

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