Order of the Phoenix | Year 1 Part 27

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*I've been all over the place with updates, so I'm going to try and put out a new chapter every other day!  Bear with me, though!

Also, I try to keep all the picture race/appearance neutral, but I just really like the sweater in this one :) Sorry about the skin tone*

"The Black Lake was darker than ever, reflecting the setting sun like a mirror rather than water, as if it were part of a dream."

The weekend had approached, and (y/n) hadn't really spoken to Malfoy since their argument.  She wast calling it a fight anymore, because, like she had already decided, they were still together.  They weren't on a break, or seeing other people.  She very much still loved him, and belonged to him, as he belonged to her. 

She had, however, asked Cho and Maddie if she could join them at Hogsmeade, which they of course said yes to.  Maddie even laughed and wondered way she even bothered to ask, seeing as they never had any special plans.  So, early Saturday morning, (y/n) got dressed in her warm sweater, blue jeans and lace up leather boots, ready to spend the day forgetting about her troubles.  Maddie was a bit more excited, as usual, to dress in more formal attire, wearing a short skirt and trainers, hoping to attract the attention of an unnamed boy.  Of course, Cho and (y/n) had tried to press her on the subject, but she would not reveal the boy she was head over heels over.

(y/n) had asked a few days prior if Luna was joining them, but she told her that she already had plans.  (y/n) was not sure what they were, but she had a feeling Luna did not want to talk about it, because of the pink tint on her cheeks.  All she did was smile and relay the information back to Cho, who merely shrugged. 

So, that morning, the three girls were off to the courtyard to pass Filch, who had the same sour look on his face as usual.

"Names?" He growled.

Maddie stepped forward and rolled her eyes, "Madison Horn." 

He marked something on the parchment he was holding and Maddie walked by, standing in the center of the yard.

"Cho Chang." She said sweetly, because even though she wasn't a Hufflepuff, Cho found it hard to displease anybody, even Filch.

"Go," his lip curled, showing his yellow teeth, and Cho walked by.  After he marked his parchment, he took a good long look at (y/n), his eyes darting around her face with a disgusted expression. "Name please."  Even though he had said please, he did not sound any more polite than before.

"(y/n) (l/n)." 

He frowned as he looked at his list, checking a name.  He looked back at (y/n) skeptically. "Thought you'd be a Slytherin."

"Whys that?" (y/n) questioned with confidence, her shoulders square.

"The Malfoy's won't be happy to learn you're not."  He smiled, almost, with eyes hooded as he looked into hers.  

For a moment, (y/n) was fearful, of what, she didn't know.  But, the feeling passed, and her tenacity returned.

"May I go?" She asked.

He didn't say anything, just nodded.  (y/n) walked passed him and regrouped with the other two girls, who had similar expressions of pother.  (y/n) shrugged, and the three began the walk to the village.  Today, luckily, wasn't too chilly, because there wasn't any wind.  This was unusual, because there were mountains surrounding Hogwarts and Hogsmeade, and the thin valley carved by the Black Lake was a tunnel for air to blow through.  Usually walking to Hosgmeade included holding your scarf or hat in place often, or at least tying your hair up so it didn't blow into you face.

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