Order of the Phoenix | Year 1 Part 18

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A/N minor plot change:

So I realized I messed up a kinda big thing, I got presents for everyone but Draco! Im going to go back and edit the chapter, but obviously you don't have to go back and read it to understand. So, while your mother was away, you went to get him something, but decided that what you wanted to get him wasn't in Diagon Alley. I also realized you told your Mom about Draco in the same chapter at the Leaky Cauldron. But, if yours is anything like mine, she totally forgot you told her anything. ANOTHER thing in that chapter is, that Ernie asked you if you were going to the ball, and that he goes every year. I changed this so he just asked you if you wanted to go to a Christmas Eve party, you declined. Just some minor stuff that doesn't really affect the plot that much.

Sorry Again!!! :)

"And, sometimes, thinking of nothing and thinking of everything is the same thing."

The few days after the Ministry Ball were relatively uneventful. The only difference was that the house was decorated in wreaths and garlands. A large tree sat next to the fireplace in the drawing room, a large silver star on the top.

During these days, (Y/n) spent time in the library with her father, discussing Quidditch and some new books they've both been reading. She also found herself asking her mother about when she was in school, something she knew little about. One day, after her Mom arrived home from work, (y/n) asked her if she'd had any of the same teachers. She had, and she had very much liked McGonagall.

"She was a strong woman," (m/n) explained, "one day, she told me about how she didn't feel like she belonged in Gryffindor when she was first sorted. She thought she ought to be in Ravenclaw. Well, the following year, she read about animagi, and asked a professor if it was legal to become one. He told her she had to wait until she was 17 to register and start the process. Well, she went to the ministry and argued to get the law changed."

(Y/n) spoke up, "And she did it?"

"No, she did not. But the Minister of Magic said something peculiar to her. He said, 'Godric Gryffindor would be quite proud if all of his students are like you, Minerva.'."

(Y/n) sat for a moment, thinking. She couldn't imagine her professor as a child, or telling one of her students something so intimate about her life.

"And she said, from that moment, she never doubted herself. She just let life guide her along." Her mother smiled her and (y/n) sat silent.

This lead to (y/n) asking whether she ever felt like McGonagall, like she belonged in a different house. Her mother said no, that she always knew where she belonged. Then, (y/n) asked why she moved to America, if she knew where she belonged.

"I guess, not literally. I didn't quite know where I was meant to live, or if it even mattered. I did know who I was, what I wanted to do, wanted to be." (y/n) could tell her mother was quite content, by the look on her face. Content with the life she has lived, and the one she is living now. (y/n) wondered if she would ever know such a feeling.

"I have no idea what I want to be, really." (Y/n) said with a sigh, "I feel like working for Mysteries or Accidents would be interesting, but the Ministry is so awful now a days."

"Yes, well, neither did your father." She laughed, "When we first met, he was only writing for fun."

"Yeah, he worked for the Hospital." (Y/n) recalled. Her father had traveled to locations of accidents or deaths to take reports. He quit just before she was born to pursue writing. When (y/n) first brought up she might want to work in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes, he warned her not to. Naturally, she didn't listen.

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