Order of the Phoenix | Year 1 Part 24

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"A silver string, centered in each of their chests, connected them, like a magnet pulling on opposite sides of the earth. He was her, and she was him."

(y/n) stood on the platform in front of the blazing red train, smoke rising all around her.  Her parents were standing next to her, her father holding her owl cage.  They were saying their last goodbyes, because they wouldn't see each other until the summertime.  (y/n) felt a lump in her throat, but she held it back, as she had done for five years now. 

"Tell your friends we all said hello." Her mother said as she hugged her.

"Ugh," (y/n) groaned, "They don't even know you."

"Well, still." They both pulled away, and (y/n) hugged her father.

"Remember what I told you." He whispered into her ear. She nodded against his shoulder.

"I love you." She said to both of them.

"Love you too." Her mother said sweetly.

Her father shook his head, "I love you more." (m/n) rolled her eyes. Then, (y/n) took her trunk and owl and climbed onto the train, waving to her parents as she stepped aboard.  

She walked down the Ravenclaw car, looking into the compartments for anyone she may know.  She saw Luna in one alone, reading a copy of the Quibbler.  She slid open the glass door and Luna looked at her and smiled.

"Hello." Her dreamy voice spoke as she lowered her magazine.

"Hey Luna." (y/n) smiled and put her trunk on the shelf above the seat and sat across from Luna. "Have a nice Christmas?"

"Yes, father and I visited Germany for a couple of days.  They have a very large wizard population there, you know."

"Oh, I didn't." (Y/n) answered honestly. 

"And yours?" Luna asked.

"Very nice, a bit hectic, my family stayed with us." She chuckled.

"Better than having none at all." She said happily, as she went back to reading.  After that, the train pulled out of the station, leaving a trail of thick steam behind it.  Cho came into the compartment and sat next to Luna. 

"Thank you of the gift, (y/n)!" Cho said, smiling broadly.

"Anything for a friend, Cho.  You guys have been so kind to me, the new kid.  I couldn't think of anyone as nice as you two, and Maddie." She added.

Cho grinned, but then her face fell into a more serious expression "Did Malfoy get you anything?"

"He did." She paused, "And I know you dislike him, and I don't blame you for it. But, why ask about him if you do?" 

Cho sighed, "Honestly?" She smirked, "You're the only one with a boyfriend."  The two giggled and Luna smiled at them.

"I think Draco is good." Luna declared.

"What?" (y/n) said in a chuckle.

"Sometimes, people are good, but make bad choices.  Any one of us could have been like him, especially me.  I'm pureblood."

The three sat silent for a moment. 

"I would like you to meet him, Luna, and Cho, if you want to." (y/n) looked between them, "properly meet him, I mean."

Cho looked down, but Luna kept the same face.

"If it would please you." Luna said.

(y/n) nodded and looked at Cho, "Its okay, Cho." (y/n)s voice was motherly and soft, "You're not ready, and I would never ask something of you that you didn't want to do."

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