Order of the Phoenix | Year 1 Part 12

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*Kind of short, sorry!*

*I also realized that I got some things wrong on the train, since Hermione and Ron are prefects this year. Also, in the book, Luna sits with them on the train and in the carriage ride. Sorry, again!*

"This would be harder than she thought, keeping secrets from the two people she told everything to. "

With her father gone, the room felt much to silent. She couldn't help but fell restless in the unfamiliar space, like when she first came to Hogwarts. She knew, however, that this would soon be a place she didn't mind, maybe even somewhere she liked. Maybe her friends could visit, have tea outside in the summertime with her. 

Already the library felt more peaceful, with her only in it. 

At this moment, (y/n) felt it was the perfect time to write her friends, especially since she has such a lovely place to do it. She walked over to a small lawyers desk, sitting in a dark corner. She opened the first drawer, luckily finding a stack of parchment. She took out three pieces and went to sit at the round table, which already had a quill and ink. She began her first letter;


I've just arrived at my new house. I promised I would tell you all about it, so here it is. Its much different from the one back in America, but I guess all the houses must be a bit different here. Its not a bad difference, it just is. My father, though, convinced my mother to make one of the rooms a library and study, that looks just like home. I'm sitting in here right now, its absolutely perfect! Its nice being able to see my parents again, my mom has been pretty busy, though, doing merlin-knows what. I miss everyone already, especially your good advice. We'll definitely be going out before Christmas, like we always do, so be ready for your gift!

Miss you loads!

(Y/n) (L/n)

(y/n) set the letter down next to her to let the ink dry. She picked up the next sheet of thick parchment and started her letter to Madison;


Hows Hogwarts when everyone isn't there? Probably creepy, or wonderful. You'll have to tell me about it. Do you think the ghosts will be weirder when theres not as many people there to keep an eye on them? Just think about the summer when no one is there. Anyway, what do you think Cho would like for Christmas? Im not sure what to get her, and you know how I pride myself on my gift-giving. I feel like she has everything she wants, because lets face it, she's a pretty simple hearted girl. I admire that, but she really makes it hard on us! Make sure you write me back, Missy! Cho told me all about you not writing back to her!

Your friend,

(Y/n) (l/n)

She set this one aside like she did the other. As she set the tip of her quill on the last letter, she pondered about what she would rite about. He had asked her to write, but what about? Then it came to her, he asked her some obscure question about a ministry ball. Yes, thats it.

She left the room, walking out into the drawing room and past her father, who was in the same seat as before.

"Do you know where mom is?"

"In the kitchen, I think." He answered, not looking up from.

"Hey, what is it thats so good you can't even properly talk to your daughter?" She teased.

He looked at her for a moment, a smirk playing on the corner of his mouth "Oh, nothing. Its about some of the creature native to England. Figured I'd brush up."

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