Order or the Pheonix | Year 1 Part 3

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* Warning * Mild swearing *

"That's too friendly for a boy like Malfoy."

In the morning, the four girls woke to the sunlight shining through the large windows of their dorm room. They get dressed in their robes, which (y/n) found neatly placed on top of her trunk the previous night. Cho and (y/n) headed to the common room, to find many of the first years wandering about. A small voice came from the far corner near a bookshelf, "You better get going, breakfast only lasts so long." (Y/n) turned to see a small girl with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes holding a stack of books. She smiled at her, and returned to looking at the shelf.

"That's Luna." Cho whispered to (y/n). She got a feeling she was a 'strange' girl, although (y/n) always liked the unusual bunch.

The two went to the great hall for breakfast, and found their place with some of Cho's other friends. The entire room smelled of fresh sausage and jams, which was a delightful start to the first day of classes. (Y/n) thought about her first class, potions, which she had with the three other houses. The loud sound of the door opening and closing brought her back from the daydream. The same boy from dinner marched in, alongside two other boys. The two others were stocky, and a bit shorter than the blonde. Their faces were both unpleasant and unattractive, only making the other stand out even more. His slim body waltzed down the isle to the Slytherin table, where they found a quick seat and began to lay their hands upon the food.

"Hey, Cho." (Y/n) nudged Cho with her elbow. "Who's that, the Slytherin?" She motioned to the boy.

"Oh..." She rolled her eyes, "that's Draco, Draco Malloy. But nobody calls him by his first name."


"That's too friendly for a boy like Malfoy. His parents are ex Death Eater, though they claim they were under the Imperious Curse, that's debatable." (Y/n) starred at the boy once more, taking in the rough features of his face. "Real prick if you ask me. Hates muggle borns, hates Harry..."


"Yes. Have you met him?"

"I don't think so, although I met a Harry and Ron and Hermione on the train. Was that him?"

"That's him alright." Cho answered, returning to her food. (Y/n) sat and thought for a moment. Hogwarts was much different than Ilvermorny. She had never given thought to what people's lives were like outside of school before, who their families were and such. There weren't any celebrities in her classes, or Dark Lords lurking in the corners. It would take some getting used to, and she hoped she never made her way into the limelight.

After breakfast the two made their ways into the dungeons for Professor Snape's Potion class. She had heard from other students his strict nature and his harsh favoritism towards the Slytherins, which he was the head of. The girls sat together, making sure they were near the back were Snape couldn't see them well. (Y/n) shivered as the door swung open, Snape strode in along with he cold air.

"Hello," he dragged, "welcome to Year Five Potions. If you believe this years class will be easy, you are sorely mistaken." The professor continued to speak, but (y/n) only half listened. Her first day flutters still hung low in her belly, and the mysterious platinum blonde boy hung high in her mind. After a few muffled noises (y/n) received a tap on her left shoulder. She turned to Cho, who pointed up at the figure looming above her.

"Miss (l/n)." A monotone voice said. (Y/n) whipped her head around to see Snape standing at her side, the entire class starring at her. "Your first day and you're already day dreaming." Snickers could be heard around the class, (y/n) saw the boy, Draco, laughing with his two goons. "I was hoping we'd get off on a better foot, although that ship has sailed." He turned on his heels and headed towards the front again. "I feel, still, it is my responsibility to introduce you, (y/n), our new, American student." He looked at her again, "since you weren't present during the traditional sorting ceremony."

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