Order of the Phoenix | Year 1 Part 14

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*This is a direct continuation of Part 13* 

*Haven't posted in a while, I'm sorry!*

"The small droplets of ice cascaded, appearing as glittering sparkles against a melancholy backdrop."

"Hey, Dad." (y/n) gave a lopsided smile.

"Hello, daughter." He strutted over to a chair, sitting cross legged.

(y/n)'s mother came into the fireplace, and her father slipped the parchment between his leg and the chair.

"Hello." Her mother said, also surprised by her father.

"Hello, darling." He drawled.

"Ugh, well, I'm tired." (y/n) said, being to walk out of the room.

"Uh, uh, missy." Her father said. (y/n) turned.

"Hmm?" (y/n) questioned. 

"Come to the library with me, please." He stood, hiding the letter from her mothers view. She shrugged at her daughter before they left into the hallway. 

He didn't talk until they were in the library, the door closed.

"Come, sit." He sat on the love seat, (y/n) took the chair opposite. He held up the letter.

"Is that mine?" She said, acting as if she didn't know what this was about.

"Yes," he handed it over, surprisingly. (y/n) looked towards him, as asking permission to read it. He nodded forward a bit, and she read.

I think mother knows about us. She found your book, your name is in the cover. Make sure yours don't find out.

(Y/n) sighed, thankful he didn't sign it.

"Knows about us." He quoted. (y/n) looked at him through shaded lids. She refused to meet his eyes. "Who sent it?" He didn't seem mad, she noticed, just curious.

"No one." She muttered, which he laughed at.

"So a ghost wrote the letter then?" His voice never wavered from inquisitive.

"I don't know what to tell you." (y/n) said lowly

"Whats his name?" He played with the skin on his finger.


"Your boyfriends." He now sounded a bit like her mother, she noticed.

"I told you, its no one. I don't have one."

"I'm not stupid." He stood, walking towards the fireplace. "I may be an old man, but I still remember what it's like to be a teenager, (y/n)." He leaned on the mantle, looking up at the walls.

"I know you're not, and if you really do, you'll leave it alone." She finally looked at him, her eyes pleading.

"I understand," he droned.

"Why are you intercepting my letters, anyway?" (Y/n)'s voice began to raise, anger on the horizon of her mind.

"Well, it wasn't addressed to anyone." he paused, "They must have just told their owl your name."

(y/n) knew why he did this. Because his mother had figured out her name, and suspected their romance, he couldn't risk them seeing his owl send me a letter. She had to give him more credit, he was clever.

"Next time, ask." She stood, body rigid. He sighed, sitting in his chair again. "And don't tell mother." She ordered, pushing her luck. He didn't answer her, so she threw the letter into the burning fire, and strutted out of the room. 

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