Chapter 18 •Pretending•

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I don't know what to do anymore.



I can't forget yujin and that minjoo. Oh how I hate her.



Its school time again. I will see wonyoung again. Ah, its okay minjoo is there.

This will be the first day of me and minjoo will act as lovers. Hoping it will went good.

I saw wonyoung but she just looked away. Hah, lets see wonyoung if you're affected or not.

"Doggy! Come here! Lets cuddle". (Minjoo)

"Okay froggy!" I said. I saw wontyoung smirked.



Thats so cheesy! Doggy Froggy? Eww! I'm not jealous. I'm not.

But why am I annoyed seeing them cuddling?



"Yuri-yaa! You're so slow! I don't like marrying someone who is slow!" I shouted. Its our date today. I'm ready, she's still not ugh.

"Ya yena unnie, change your clothes. You really didn't have any taste on clothes". (Yuri)

"Well that's okay. But you, you are slow! A slow hamster, I don't want to marry slow woman". I said pouting.

"I know right. You said you won't marry me right? Only dating, fine". She's upset. Yuri-yaa I'm sorry if I told that.

I cuddled yuri until we became okay again. We want to date where sakura unnie and chaeyeon are working. And later we will meet yujin to see if she's doing fine.

We arrived at that café and saw sakura unnie and chaeyeon.. flirting. Ew disgusting. They're so sweet. Then I saw sakura kissed chaeyeon in the cheeks, so cheesy.



Me and my baby chaeyeon fought. Its about anna, my ex-bestfriend. I already moved on! For god's sake I just treat her as my bestfriend but she doesn't feel the same way, so I ended our friendship.

I clung at her all the time. She's already annoyed so she hugged me back and apologized for her childishness. I smile and told her its okay. I love her personality, I love her being her. We hugged.

I'm not satisfied on that. So I kissed her cheeks, she blushed. See she's really inlove with me.

"Ya you two can you stop hugging and kissing?" Yena duck said.

"You and yuri also are doing that!" I said.

"Hey you tom and jerry stop it". (Yuri)

We talked about our relationship while eating and drinking.



Recess and lunch passed by. I want to go home. I felt so happy today because I always caught wonyoung glancing at me and minjoo. Is she jealous?

"Doggy can we go to our favorite café please?" (Minjoo)

"Sure froggy". I said.

We saw yena unnie, yuri unnie, sakura unnie and chaeyeon unnie talking to each other.

"Oh here's the third couple!" (Yuri)

"We're not". I whispered.



I decided to go to the café where my bestfriends sakura unnie and chaeyeon unnie are working.

I came inside then I saw there my bestfriends and my friends, yuri and yena.

"Oh here's the third couple!" (Yuri)

After I heard that I felt a pang on my chest. Who are you yujin? Who are you to me? Why do I feel sad when you are with someone? You're not even mine.


Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors. Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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