Chapter 3 •Bestfriends•

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Its been a week since my last talk with sir Jang. I'm still moving on for my past relationship. I'm doing my best just to forget wonyoung, but not our memories.

We'll be going at the beach tomorrow with my bestfriends. Yena, yuri, hitomi and hyewon. They are so crackheads I swear. But I know there's something between yena and yuri, they're so close like lovers.

Until now, wonyoung's still have her place in my heart and no one can remove her. I can't forget our memories together because every corner of my house, the park, the mall, everything reminds me of her. How I love that baby fluff of mine.

Before I go to sleep I have to write something on my diary. My precious diary where I wrote down every memories of me and wonyoung.

Dear diary,

Hello, yujin the cutie pie is back. Since that car accident I didn't write something here because I'm broke like hell. How I really miss my baby fluff. Everything I do reminds me of her. I don't have a plan to replace her, she's still the one for me. Wonyoung is in comma because of me, I really can't forgive myself for that. I didn't know that when we went to the store and bought some foods, that is our last memory. I really want to go to hospital and visit her. But mr. Jang told me that neither I can't go there nor near her. Okay that's for now.

-cutie ahn yujin

After that I went to sleep, hoping that I would dream about me and wonyoung.

I've dreamed about us together at the beach. Now its already 3 am, and by 5 we will go to the beach! I'm so excited! After that accident I don't have much time to be with my bestfriends, that's why I invited them. I'm now packing my things up and get ready.

1 hour later

"AaAaaH my bestfriends! I miss you all!". I said tearing up. How I miss them all. I saw them crying too, especially yena our precious duck.

"Ahn yujin!! We miss you too! How are you?". Hitomi asked, our little cutie bestfriend. I swear she's more cute in person.

"I'm a bit okay since y'all here with me. But you know, I'm broke because of what happened to us". I said while crying. They all hug me, I feel secured for the meantime.

"Yaa yujin-ssi, I'm glad that your fine. I know wonyoung loves you so much, when she wakes up I know she would find you and be with you again". Yena said pouting and crying. She's so cute especially her lips.

"Thank you yena quack quack!". I said then laughed. We all laughed. I love this moment, I miss them so much.

I look at them all, still so pretty. Hyewon is already eating, as expected. Hitomi is watching some videos in her phone. Yuri and yena are cuddling with each other, I know they have feelings for each other.

And the time has come, its 5 am. We're heading to the beach now. Guess what? Hyewon told us something. She has a new friend, and her name is minjoo. At first, I didn't believe her because she's so quiet to be friends with someone. Then the worst part is she invited her! Its not that I don't want her but.. I'm scared because she's my type, but I know that I won't fall for her. I SHOULD NOT fall for her.

We stopover at some store and bought foods and soda. We eat our lunch then drive again to the beach.

2 hours later

At last, we were here! My bestfriends are still sleeping, they're so damn cute! All of them. I didn't know that yena is still pouting even she's sleeping.

"Yena! Wake up you duck! We're here at the beach already!". I said that makes her wake up immediately, I mean all of them.

We're now heading to the hotel, and I saw hyewon talking to someone in the phone. Maybe she's talking to minjoo. When she finished talking to someone, I asked her.

"Who's that someone your talking to?". I said teasing her. She rolled her eyes.

"I'm talking to minjoo. She said that she's already on her way here. You know what? She told me that you and her already meet at the park! God are you ready to replace wonyoung?". She said acting like she's shocked.

"Hell no hyewon! I won't replace her over that minjoo even tho she's damn pretty!". She laughed, then I look at her confuse. Why is she laughing?

"That's my bestfriend yujin! I'm glad that you will not replace her". She said smiling then eat some chips. She's always like that, she's the goddess of food!

"Pack your things up! And choose your partner to sleep with". I told them. Yuri and yena running towards the bed near the glass window where you can see the beautiful view of ocean. I knew it! They're  inlove with each other! I hope they will confess to us on what's happening to them.

The hotel have 3 beds, exactly for us. While I'm walking towards hitomi who's still watching, I saw hyewon smirked then run towards hii-chan.

"Hii-chan our cutie bestfriend, is it okay for you to be with me tonight? I mean we will sleep together". Hyewon asked hitomi, then glanced over me. I'm shookt, why would she do that! I look at hii-chan pleading that she would say no.

"Of course hyewon, why would I say no?". Hitomi smiled at hyewon then look at me laughing.

She just approved to hyewon! Ugh so it means that.. me and.. minjoo will sleep together?! My bestfriends are so annoying!

"Look pissed off yujin-ssi? Don't worry I know minjoo will be okay with that, she would love to. Calm down okay? I just want you to be happy again". Hyewon said and hii-chan nodded.

"What? I'm already happy now hyewon! No need to do that". I said pissed off. What is she trying to do? I eat some chips just to calm down.

"Why yujin? Are you scared that you will fall for her then let go of wonyoung?". She said in a serious tone. That made me choked.

"Damn hyewon! Why would I let go of wonyoung that fast huh? You think that I'm like that? Hell no hyewon. Don't let me get mad at you". I said like I was burst into tears. I hate talking about wonyoung and me, our past relationship.

"Whatever you say, hii-chan let's pack our things up". She said then smirked at me.

Ugh! So thats it, she's serious about me and minjoo will sleep together. Fine, I'll sleep with her tonight.

"Everyone! Let's go swimming!". Yena said cheerful as always. We nodded then went to the washroom to change clothes.

When we all finished, we went to the ocean! I love the smell of ocean. Hii-chan is in the phone with her bestfriend in japan, Miu. They're like twins I swear.

"Hyewon! Hii-chan! Yujin-ssi! We have something to tell you!". Yena shouts then she looked at yuri who is.. nervous?

"What is it quack quack?". I asked her confused.

"Me and yuri are.. dating. And we are officially in a relationship". Yena said blushing. Aha! Bingo! I knew it, there's something between them.

"What? Are you serious about that yena?". Hyewon asked still shocked.

"Ah..hehe.. yes. I'm sorry for not telling you all. I hope y'all still support us because we're bestfriends right?". Yena said so shy. She's blushing and pouting at the same time.

"Okay okay! We'll support you! I'm happy for the both of you. Come on lets swim!". I'm so excited to swim! They all nodded and we run towards the ocean, happily.

Then I saw someone. She's familiar to me, damn she's still pretty. I stared at her.



Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And if someone of you confused why minjoo is here. Well, its for the meantime because this is all about annyeongz.

Who's your main ship in iz*one? Mine is chaekura!! 🖤


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