Chapter 11 •Strange Feelings•

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I woke up in an unfamiliar room. My head hurts ugh. What happened to me? Why am I in the hospital? Ah, I know. That effin' car accident.

But I don't remember who I'm with when that happened, nevermind. "Appa". I called my father.

He run towards me and hugged me tightly. I cried. I missed my parents. "How are you wonyoung? Are you still hurt?".

"I'm fine daddy but my head hurts". He called the doctor. Doc arrived here and told us that I'm perfectly fine. He also said I have temporary amnesia. He just gave us some medicines and told us we're okay to go home.

"Wonyoung!". Omo is that nako-chan? And my other bestfriends! They cried. Aww they missed me so much, well same as me.

"Guys! Happy to see you again". Sheesh I'm so happy to be with them. We ate foods and talked about stuffs.

"Wonyoung can we talk later?" (Kkura)

"Yes sure unnie". I said.


She asked about my pup? Who's that? I'm so curious. After I get enrolled, I went to my classroom.

"Hello classmates, my name is Jang Wonyoung. If anyone of you here is my friend and I can't remember, sorry I have an amnesia". I said. The girl over there, what's happening to her? Is she about to cry?

"Ma'am may I go out?" The girl said.

"Sure Yujin". Our teacher said.

Yujin. Yujin. Yujin.

Shi-- my head hurts! Who's that girl? I asked my teacher if its okay to go to the clinic. She said yes.

I asked some students where is the clinic. When I'm on my way to the clinic, I heard someone at the washroom.

"Stupid stupid stupid!" Someone said. Oof why would she say that? I saw my classmate going inside. Its minjoo. Oh what a small world *smirk*.


"Class dismissed". Yey! Finally. I saw minjoo and yujin talking. Tch, as if I care. But why I felt a pang on my chest seeing them talking?

I can't help it. I want yujin's attention. Geez what's happening to me?

"Hey uh yujin? Am I right? Ma'am Kaeun told me that you will be my tour guide tomorrow". I said. I'm shookt when she hugged me. I suddenly felt that I'm safe but uh, nevermind.

"Don't you remember me?" She said. That's weird, why am I have a feeling that she's so important to me? Ugh nevermind.

"I-i'm sorry, I can't remember you". I said.

"How about this? Can't you remember?" She played my fingers. Uh what is she doing? I felt like I'm so comfortable with her. Geez.

"I-i'm sorry, I-i can't remember either". Why am I stuttering? I can't look at her eyes.

After that awkward conversation with the stranger, I went home. Ugh I can't imagine what will happen tomorrow since she's my tour guide!

I looked around my room. Maybe there's a hint here to let me know who is that girl.



Geez I didn't know how I slept last night. I don't wan to go to school. My head hurts again! I dreamed last night and I saw a girl with short hair, we're happy there taking pictures and put it in a.. box? A pink box!

Sheesh maybe its a hint! I have to find that pink box. Minutes later I found it! It's in my cabinet!

I opened it and it's full of pictures of me and... yujin?

"A-ahn yujin?"


Sorry for the typos and grammatical errors. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Here comes my ultimate bias hehe ^^


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