"CASTIEL HAS A B O Y F R I E N D!!!" He yelled.

"Yeah right Gabe! When you find a boy that'll tolerate me, you send him my way!" Cas shouted back, opening the shower curtain. He began to formulate a reply to Dean after he sent a quick heads-up to the girls about the plans for that day.

Thank you, you're the sweetest. I can't wait to see you, I can't ever stop thinking of you and how happy you make me.

He hoped nothing came across too cringey, he felt like he had a knack for making anything awkward. After hitting send, he began typing once more.

Why the hell were you awake at 6 on a Saturday..?

Dean's response came quickly.

D: What? I had just finished my run. You're adorable, you know that?

C: Ugh, exercising so early. Are you gonna turn me into one of those granola CrossFit morning green juice people? I'm not cute, I'll mess you up TOUGH GUY

D: Only if you want me to 😘😘😘

D: Hate to break it to you sweetheart, but that was really cute.


Castiel huffed as another message came in.

Charles: Noice. Sounds like a plan

Jo: we'll be there

Charles: Are you and the fam doing anything else fun today??

Cas: I don't think so, why?

Jo: Oh, no reason

Charles: 😈😈😈😈

Cas: I don't like that

Cas: what's happening

Cas: I don't like those ominous little emojis

Jo: everything's fine

Cas: nonono what does that mean


Accepting defeat, he turned on the water and stripped himself of his clothing, stepping into the warming water.


He walked to his room, towel wrapped around him, mind racing as to what his friends had planned.

He began putting on his chosen outfit for the day, pulling the pink sweater over his head and hiking up the black, ripped skinny jeans. He tugged on his black boots and clipped on a thin, black velvet choker, finishing off with silver hoop earrings and a small silver cuff on the ear opposite is industrial bar.

He picked up his phone from where it resided on his bed.


Still pretty early.

He went over to his desk and picked up the viola case from beside it, thinking that he may as well practice in this bit of spare time.


After taking a break to listen to a few new albums that had come out recently and resuming his practice, he clicked the latches on his case shut and rolled his shoulders and neck out. When he once again checked the time, it was already 11.

After seeing a multitude of notifications from Jo and Charlie, Castiel began reading through their conversation thread.

Charles: cassie

Smoking In the Boys Room // DestielWhere stories live. Discover now